How far will school districts go to indoctrinate America’s youth into progressivism? Several stories have cropped up recently showing that not only will students be socially shamed into adhering to the precepts of wokeism, but they could also be subject to punishment from schools if they happen to transgress these ideological laws.
School Districts Bring the Pain
Chelsea Boyle filed a lawsuit against her daughter’s school district after finding out that her child was disciplined for failing to conform to progressive-approved language. The girl, who was seven at the time of the incident, was a first-grader at Viejo Elementary School in California.
The girl decided to draw a picture of all of her friends, who happen to be of various ethnicities and cultures. On the top, she wrote “Black Lives Mater [sic].” But it is what she did next that elicited outrage. She had the unmitigated gall to also write “any lives” after the sentence. She gave the picture to one of her friends, who took it home. When the friend’s parents saw the drawing, they called the school’s principal to tell him how offended they were by this brazenly racist seven-year-old’s bigoted propaganda.
In response, the principal took punitive action against the little girl, who is referred to as “Jane” in a RedState report:
“Jane was forced to apologize to her friend for drawing the picture … but not privately. Jane had to deliver the apology on the playground in front of her fellow students and school staff. On top of the apology, Jane was ‘benched’ as punishment, meaning she had her recess time revoked and was forced to sit on a bench while her classmates played during their free time.”
As if that weren’t ridiculous enough, it gets even worse. Boyle stated that the school never notified her about the dustup. She did not find out what transpired until almost a year later when a friend told her about it.
Boyle’s situation is just the latest in a series of similar stories. In Fairfax County, Virginia, the school board altered its Regulation 2601 to include a provision allowing for the suspension of students who “deadname” one of their peers. Deadnaming occurs when a person refers to a transgender individual by their birth name, associated their biological sex. It’s a big no-no in the church of wokeism. “Using slurs based upon the actual or perceived gender identity (which includes, but is not limited to, malicious deadnaming or malicious misgendering),” the provision reads. It also states that using a transgender person’s birth name name or pronouns is the same as using “slurs.”
Last, but certainly not least, a Wisconsin school district made headlines when it filed sexual harassment complaints against three middle schoolers. The crime? Using the wrong pronouns when referring to a classmate. The New York Post reported:
“The school district in Kiel, a city of 3,600 residents, has charged the three eighth-graders at the Kiel Middle School with sexual harassment after an incident in April in which the students refused to use ‘they’ to refer to a classmate who had switched pronouns a month before the alleged incident, according to reports.”
Rosemary Rabidoux, the mother of one of the boys, told the Post: “I received a phone call from the principal … forewarning me, letting me know that I was going to be receiving an email with sexual harassment allegations against my son.”
Yes, sexual harassment typically applies to behavior like inappropriate touching or suggestive conversation. But now, it appears the woke Sanhedrin is expanding the definition to not using the approved pronouns and is pushing to penalize those who dare to commit this unforgivable sin.
These are only a few of the news stories that have surfaced in which school districts are taking action against students who do not properly conform to the tenets of wokeism. Before, administrators and teachers seemed content with simply infusing their curriculum with leftist ideas about race, gender identity, and sexuality. As long as they could indoctrinate children behind parents’ backs, this was enough.
Now, it appears that since parents have been vociferously pushing back against these attempts to influence their children’s minds, school districts are taking more extreme measures to enforce compliance. Are we witnessing the evolution of woke indoctrination, or are these stories just outliers? If it is indeed the beginning of a growing trend, it could well backfire on the leftists of American academia. If it leads to more parents choosing private schools or homeschooling over public education, these teachers will learn a lesson of their own: Never bite the hand that feeds you.