As Americans continue to overwhelmingly express their alarm and frustration over massive illegal immigration, local police departments appear more focused on easing the concerns of a built-in support system for illegal aliens rather than helping to resolve a crisis afflicting the communities they are meant to serve.
Wichita, Kansas, is the latest example of what has been an all-too-common occurrence across the nation over the past 20-odd years. New measures are enacted to combat illegal immigration, and police officials immediately assume the defensive, earnestly promising that those who are breaking the law have nothing to fear from law enforcement officers on the streets.
Sheriff to Illegal Aliens – Don’t Worry About Us
“Wichita Police Chief Joe Sullivan and Sedgwick County Sheriff Jeff Easter held a joint press conference [on June 13] to address the ‘rumors and misinformation’ surrounding [House Bill] 2350, an anti-smuggling bill that becomes effective July 1,” The KLC Journal reports. “We want to assure that the community has a clear understanding of the bill’s provisions and how they will be implemented in our community moving forward. The Wichita Police Department will only intervene when elements of the crime of human smuggling are present or when a citizen reports a crime involving human smuggling,” Chief Sullivan said, reading from a printed statement.
Amazingly, two leading police officials in Wichita are guaranteeing the security of scofflaws within their jurisdiction. Sullivan is openly vowing that his department will not disturb illegal aliens as they go about their day-to-day activities. This goes beyond normalizing criminal activity; it solidifies and entrenches it via the approval of local policing.
Crimes Against Humanity at the ‘Jobs Americans Won’t Do’
The horrific realities of life inside this “shadow” state within the United States have long been deliberately overlooked by a partisan big box media establishment. But the ugliness has gotten impossible to hide. Human smugglers are as ubiquitous to illegal immigration as drug dealers are to heroin addiction. The result is a return to the scandalous days of sweatshops and abusive child labor, as large corporations in search of cheap workers hire desperate and vulnerable people to “do the jobs Americans won’t do.”
Shockingly, those who have affirmed their support for the “undocumented” are even loathe to stamp out the smugglers making these abuses possible lest the individual illegal aliens who are their victims get caught up in the enforcement dragnet along the way.
“I agree immigration issues need to be addressed, but this bill will have unintended consequences, from decimating our agriculture workforce to allowing the state to encroach into Kansans’ personal lives,” Kansas Democrat Gov. Laura Kelly declared in April as she vetoed HB2350. The state legislature overrode her rejection.
Kelly is saying that targeting human smugglers poses a threat to illegal aliens, and therefore amounts to unacceptable overreach. Her reference to agricultural workers is especially shameful. Worker abuse fueled by smuggling networks is rampant in this field.
The Detroit News on June 12 related the details of a lawsuit filed against a Michigan blueberry farm accused of employing illegals trafficked by smugglers:
“According to the lawsuit, Luis Guzman Rojas and Feliciano Velasco Rojas were awoken in the middle of the night in their residence in North Carolina by a First Pick Farms ‘agent and employee’ telling them they were to be transported to Michigan. The complaint alleges that the man gave the two false identification and threatened to contact immigration authorities if they refused to comply. Guzman, of Michoacan, Mexico, and Velasco, of Oaxaca, Mexico, were transported along with 30 other H-2A workers, the suit says….
“‘They were told that immigration would be called on them if they voiced any issues about what was happening,’ [Michigan Immigration Rights Center Gonzalo] Peralta said. ‘Then they were made to work during the blueberry season of 2017 living in pretty bad conditions. About 30 people were forced to squeeze into one house and they were made to work particularly long hours at this farm.’”
In February, Liberty Nation documented reports that female agricultural workers in California are routinely exposed to sexual harassment and rape. We also detailed the life-threatening dangers young children are being exposed to while working for a highly profitable meatpacking sanitation company.
This is the world Wichita’s sheriffs and mayor and the state’s Democrat governor are defending.
In 2022, the Kansas legislature passed a law banning so-called “sanctuary cities.” Wichita Democrat Mayor Brandon Whipple was predictably outraged. What is noteworthy is how he framed his argument against the law by stating that it harms the ability of his administration to serve the people of Wichita.
“If it ain’t broke, the Legislature will fix it until it’s broke,” Whipple exclaimed. “They were trying to play politics with a federal-level issue and the casualty is they robbed us and other cities of our ability to respond to the needs of our public.”
Illegal aliens are entitled to be served by the city government of Wichita, Whipple is emphatically declaring. The shocking callousness of his assertion that “it ain’t broke” is refuted by the ever-growing pile of broken bodies trafficked by human smugglers into jobs dominated by illegal aliens.
Illegal immigration is bringing indentured servitude back to America. As this happens, its progressive and corporate defenders have the gall to champion it in the name of “human rights.” But what are we to make of the state of the nation when local police officers sworn to uphold the law refuse to live up to their oaths by pledging to protect this scourge, thus abetting all the accompanying grave evil it brings?
All opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Liberty Nation.
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