Here’s the latest from the Liberty Nation mailbag.
Curt G wrote our first two letters to the editor.
“Media Hits the Mattresses for 2024: Democracy dies in darkness – but who controls the light switch?” written by Managing Editor Mark Angelides:
I just read Mark Angelides article regarding the 4th estate. It was excellent. I find all of his articles informative. I also like Tim Donner’s stuff. Last but certainly not least, I learn a great deal from your lawyer’s explanations and opinions when I watch your videos. Not sure of his name off the top of my head. He’s got a beard and mustache (I think – not sure). He’s really good at putting legal discussions in their proper context and perspective. In fact, I like ALL of the pundits I read or watch on Liberty Nation. I appreciate you guys. Keep up the good work.
To read Mark’s article, click here.
Curt also commented about “Prigozhin vs Putin: The Non-coup Coup: The Wagner Group’s sort-of mutiny raises a big question: So what now?” written by National Security Correspondent Dave Patterson:
Another excellent article by Dave Patterson. Finally, I read a plausible explanation as to why the mercenaries abandoned their stated goal of marching to the Kremlin. Keep up your great work. America needs you guys.
To read Dave’s article click here.
Bob Orleck of Shallotte, NC, commented on What Is a Normal US Supreme Court? – Dear Mr. President, you just so happen to be wrong by Editor in Chief Leesa K. Donner:
Dear Editor:
Excellent analysis and conclusions by Leesa Donner. It is comically sad that the least “normal” president in American history is the one to question the “normalcy” of the Supreme Court. Using the same manner of analysis of the malleable historic events that could have gone one way or the other, a judgment on the “normalcy” of the president could result. Over the past three years, the United States has lost its way, tripped, and fallen many times, misinformed and damaged its citizens in ways that are beyond belief. The message is one that “normal” people see as crazy, incoherent, and uncaring. Considering the state of mind and the actions of our president, based on the Donner analysis, Mr. Biden is a normal president. How sad is that? Just imagine the condition of the world if a “normal” Donald Trump were president instead.
A reader by the name of Rick wanted to talk about Pride Month. He wrote:
I am a straight person don’t flaunt my sexuality. I’m sick of seeing them in my face. I have worked with lesbians no problem. Just do your job keep your private life private. Leave our kids alone. The media, Biden and all have created this problem. Just shut up. We don’t need to see it. The TV shows don’t need to show it. I’m a registered democrat but will not vote for this stuff again. They want to know why Trump is ahead just look around you. The economy is in shambles. Trying to indoctrinate our kids. WTH. Kids cannot make a choice. Grownups need to be a grown-up and don’t pander to kids wishful thinking. There’s a reason I can’t fight in war until 18 No driver’s license until 16 and no alcohol until 21. Wake up people.
For more on this topic read: “City Folk Go Woke for Pride Month: Heartlanders Aren’t Impressed – Are Chicago and San Francisco taking it just a little too far?
Greg W. is frustrated by the Hunter Biden story:
Thanks for the informative article. I have 2 questions: was it coincidental that this publication came 2 days after Hunter’s plea and he walks away with a slap on his hand?
Secondly, of all of the special appointed committees, investigations, and articles such as this, when does any action ever happen? Information is great, but without next steps or accountability by the Republican party, or judicial system in general, all it does is create enormous frustration for concerned conservative Americans.
For more on this topic read: US House Releases Shocking Whistleblower Testimony in Hunter Biden Case – “I’m sitting here with my father….”
Peter J. Swearingen wanted to talk about Trump voters:
Everything in your article about Trump voters, I do agree with.
I am part of the silent majority, I back the Tea Party revolutions from the founding and the one triggered by Rick Santelli. I back the AGA movement for the same reasons. IMO Trump voters didn’t appear out of nowhere. They are the very same people who have fought against the concentration of power in Washington DC since the founding. The democrats want to seize more and more power over citizens. We have watched in the last 30 years as the Republican Party has moved away from the former base, That’s us. Trump has not moved away from us and that is all one needs to know to describe Trump voters, imo. Trump understands and is one with the Silent Majority that Reagan also understood. Trump and MAGA are not a cult by any stretch The Republican Party is not part of the Silent Majority but Trump is and all of us silents who have been here for a long, long time can easily see that Trump is presently flying our banner. The silent majority does not depend on Trump. Trump depends on us and our disillusion with the present so- called Republican Party.
Peter was referring to this article by Editor in Chief Leesa K. Donner Inside the Mind of a Trump Voter – Why they aren’t moved by the mountain of legal charges heaped upon the former president.
At Liberty Nation, we always read our mail. If you’d like us to publish your letter, don’t forget to write the title of the article to which you are referring along with your name all well as your city and state. Thanks for reading Liberty Nation and make sure to subscribe to our FREE Daily News Briefing.
All opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Liberty Nation.
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