A 73-year-old southern Arizona cattle rancher is being charged with first-degree murder after shooting dead a Mexican national who reportedly had been deported “multiple times” after illegally crossing the border into America. Whether George Alan Kelly was legitimately acting in self-defense of his personal safety and property will now apparently be up to a court to decide. What can be stated without a shadow of a doubt is that more lethal incidents like this are inevitable if the chaos engulfing the porous southern border is not fully addressed.
Specifics on the Kelly shooting have been hard to come by. KOLD-TV in Tucson reported that a neighbor who “knew Kelly personally and even called him his friend” told the station “this isn’t the first time Kelly has had issues with people on his property.”
Another resident of the Nogales neighborhood Kino Springs, where the shooting occurred, told KOLD that “it’s not unusual to see people who have crossed the border coming and going around the area but she says none have caused any major issues.”
In other words, this marks something new.
40 Illegal Alien Trespassers a Day
Ranchers and farmers in border states have been warning of the escalating dangers facing them as the mass inundation of illegal aliens rises like a sea tide.
“One South Texas rancher describes how he grew up on the family ranch near the border and how he was accustomed to three to four illegal immigrants crossing the ranch each month,” KWKT-TV in Waco, TX, reported in April 2021.
“The situation has changed 100 percent. We have immigrants coming through the ranch not three or four a month like in the past,” the rancher continued. “Just yesterday, we had 30 immigrants come through the ranch. The day before that, 40 immigrants came through the ranch. I think we had a total last week of about 140.”
This surge in numbers is predictably accompanied by increased aggression from those fully aware of a prevailing state of lawlessness that has allowed them to cross onto US soil in such large groups.
Fox News in December acquired video from a Texas rancher showing “a group of men, who the owner believed to be illegal immigrants, attempting to break into her house near the border.”
What is seen is far removed from big-box media lullabies about peaceful “migrants” who are simply seeking “a better life for themselves and their families” in America.
“The owner told Fox News the men tried to kick the door in and break it down with a piece of wood but were unsuccessful due to the thousands of dollars in security upgrades the owner” had installed, the network related.
Kelly’s ranch is located within a shout of the border. This attempted violent break-in occurred some 50 miles inland.
Fear and Death on This Side of the Border
Ranchers are not the only Americans living in a permanent state of fear over the new climate by the border. “Migrants have killed pets, stolen from shops and knocked on doors late at night … prompting some residents to arm themselves,” a September 2022 Fox News report from Eagle Pass, TX, related.
“I don’t feel safe,” business owner Laura Ramos declared, adding that she keeps “several weapons” handy at her store for defense.
Another business owner, “whose employees are all female, said she used to close her business at 9 p.m.,” Fox noted. “We now close at seven because it gets dark, people are walking around, all girls, you just never know,” the owner said.
An October 2022 report out of Eagle Pass by progressive ruling establishment-aligned UK newspaper The Guardian can be easily mistaken for a dispatch from a war zone. The paper summarizes a conversation with Manuel Mello III, chief of Eagle Pass’s overwhelmed fire department:
“First, he explained, there is a drowning. Then someone’s in critical condition, believed to have jumped off a speeding trailer that was being chased by the border patrol. Shortly after, a young woman’s legs have been severed in a railroad accident.
“Some of the calls involve children. Firefighters find babies and toddlers at the river’s edge, already drowned or fighting for breath.”
All this underscores the horrifying truth hovering over the Kelly case like a black cloud. The mayhem at the US southern border has become infinitely more violent – and deadly – than it was just a few short years ago.
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