Ohio voters on November 7 approved a referendum making abortion a protected right in the state’s constitution, and the dominant establishment narrative would have you believe this is a spontaneous movement of the American people that conservatives dare not oppose without facing certain political doom. An enormous money trail, however, tells another story.
Big-box local newspaper The Columbus Dispatch (owned by powerhouse GateHouse Media, the nation’s largest newspaper chain), in its election night coverage, freely acknowledged the massive involvement of out-of-state actors using their financial clout to get the referendum passed. “Issue 1 proponents outspent opponents on television 2-to-1, boosted financially by Planned Parenthood, the American Civil Liberties Union and out-of-state progressive groups,” the paper wrote.
The Dispatch avoided being more specific about who these “out-of-state” entities were, and with good reason. One name towers above all. For Americans who have watched their local criminal justice systems disintegrate into anarchy before their very eyes, he needs no introduction.
Big Abortion Money Floods Into Ohio
“According to campaign filings released in late October, which tallied donations from Sept. 8 onward, Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights received about $28.7 million in total contributions. The pro-life campaign Protect Women Ohio only received about $9.9 million,” Catholic News Agency reported November 2. That is some disparity. Where did all the money come from?
“Sixteen Thirty Fund, which the Washington, D.C.-based Arabella Advisors consulting firm manages, sent at least $5.4 million to the Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights Committee,” an exasperated Ohio Right to Life tweeted on November 1. An additional “$3.5 million [came] from the George Soros-backed Open Society Policy Center.”
Soros has closely partnered with Arabella Advisors. He donated more than $50 million to Arabella’s New Venture Fund from 2016-2020, the Media Research Center reports.
Ballotpedia lists the multi-million-dollar donations the Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights Committee received from other major progressive players:
- Billionaire progressive philanthropist Lynn Schusterman: $3.5 million
- ACLU: $3.3 million
- Planned Parenthood Action Fund: $2.5 million
- The Fairness Project (a union-backed left-wing organization): $2.2 million
“The Tides Foundation, which is also associated with Soros, donated nearly $1.5 million,” Catholic News Agency details.
Add it all up and you get over $16 million in big-money outside spending that can be tied to George Soros, given that he is a major donor to the ACLU and Planned Parenthood along with various Arabella groups.
It is crucial to emphasize that there is a playbook at work here, one Soros has utilized before while meddling in other nations’ affairs.
Soros War Plan on Ireland Exposed
In 2018, voters in once staunchly Catholic and fiercely pro-life Ireland overwhelmingly approved a referendum amending the national constitution to allow abortion. Once again, a tidal wave of big outsider money was involved, and also once again, one man was leading the charge.
In 2016, two years before the supposedly democratic referendum, the website DCLeaks.com revealed that a document obtained from Soros’s Open Society Foundations spelled out his attack plans on Ireland, and why he was doing it. “With one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the world, a win there could impact other strongly Catholic countries in Europe, such as Poland, and provide much-needed proof that change is possible, even in highly conservative places,” the document read.
In other words, Soros sees enshrining abortion as a constitutional right to be a central part of a larger plan to overthrow traditional values and “transform” previously conservative societies. Kevin J. Jones at Catholic News Agency aptly captured how this multi-billionaire can frustrate common citizens living in the domains he seeks to “change”:
“The Open Society Foundations’ apparent strategy proposal says that it will fund the Abortion Rights Campaign, Amnesty International Ireland, and the Irish Family Planning Association ‘to work collectively on a campaign to repeal Ireland’s constitutional amendment granting equal rights to an implanted embryo as the pregnant woman (referred to as “fetal personhood”).’
Cora Sherlock, deputy chairperson of the Ireland group the Pro-Life Campaign, reflected on the strategy document.
‘This is devastating news if true,’ Sherlock told CNA. ‘One thing is certain. Those pushing abortion in Ireland have vast resources that they didn’t have just a few years ago. The money is not being raised from ordinary Irish citizens. That is for sure.’”
Just like in Ohio, Soros had help from his fellow oligarchical progressives in flipping Ireland. Chuck Feeney, the multi-billionaire behind Atlantic Philanthropies who died in October, was an especially avid donor.
“The Irish Council for Civil Liberties were a tiny group raising less than €9000 a year [about $9,600 in US dollars], but $11.3 million of Feeney’s money transformed them into a major abortion campaigner,” Ui Bhriain wrote for Life Institute in 2015. “He gave $5.1 million to Amnesty Ireland (who for many, many years had a neutral position on abortion) and, hey presto, now they are rolling out an expensive abortion push, spending lavishly on corporate-style events and music festivals to demand abortion be legalized.”
“Another $1.1 million was handed to the National Women’s Council of Ireland, who immediately upped their game in pushing abortion, lobbying politicians and holding pro-abortion conferences,” Bhriain continued. Feeney and Soros were not alone. More rich pals came on board.
“Then there’s the Centre for Reproductive Rights, a massively wealthy outfit who raised €25 million [$26.7 million in US dollars] in 2014 alone from the likes of Bill Gates and the Ford Foundation, and who are up to their necks in pushing abortion in Ireland,” Bhriain observed.
This is how it’s done. And then they tell you it’s all organic, the will of the people.