Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest-running and most popular weekly column. Capturing the truth each week from heartlanders in flyover states, LN gives voice to the hard-working Americans otherwise ignored by the coastal elites.
A Chinese spy balloon and the Big Apple were the topics of befuddling conversations with people scattered across the Midwest and rural areas of America. Each crisis, according to Heartlanders, was quickly resolved – and most likely self-induced, to begin with, by the liberal ninnies trying to make everyone happy.
Balloon Over Big Sky Country
It was on the lips of everyone residing in the boondocks: The Chinese spy balloon wafting its way into sovereign space over Big Sky country. And then, a second inflatable snooping apparatus was spotted loitering in Latin America. Of course, the Chinese scoffed at such a notion as violating US airspace and went so far as to send a clear message: We don’t think you should accuse us of intelligence gathering or whatever else. On Saturday, Feb. 4, network news reporters nabbed the president as he was deplaning with his sidekick, Hunter, to ask why the US is allowing all manner of Chinese intrusion. Mr. Biden responded, “We’re gonna take care of it.”
A senior foreign policy official from China, Wang Yi, blamed the media and “some politicians” for the hullaballoo: “China is a responsible country and has always strictly abided by international law. We do not accept any groundless speculation and hype.”
Case closed. But the state under the watchful balloon, Montana, had a different angle on how to deal with such an apparent escalation: Shoot it. Congressman Ryan Zinke (R-MT) claimed the administration was relatively wimpy and called for the military to blow said thing out of the sky, noting that the area was remote and not a lot of folks stacked on top of each other:
“I can tell you your chances of doing harm to humans is low. And you know what, and Montanans would understand that. There’s a lot of people that probably have something in the garage that might shoot it down, too.”
In O’Fallon, MO, one commenter summed up an entire thread. Kristin Shepherd opined: “I think Biden gave them the authorization to fly it over here. If it were in our airspace without permission from the FAA, our military would’ve been after it immediately.”
[Editor’s note: The US military destroyed the balloon after the time of writing]
NYC’s Frustration
New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) is attempting to coax the unsheltered migrant masses out of the privately owned hotels and into public homeless facilities at the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal. Specifically, the Watson Hotel in Manhattan’s Hell’s Kitchen and the Row NYC in Midtown. Adams was the empathetic guy who put them up there with taxpayer dollars in the first place. These people may appear to be uneducated, but they are not stupid. They just collectively said, “no, gracias.” Another fine mess in a liberally run sanctuary city. Adams entreated by expressing there would be snacks at the new location, “You know healthy food is present. Even the snacks are healthy.”
The migrant hotels’ plan is not working out. Last month, an employee of Row NYC, Felipe Rodriguez, shot a video and made public statements about what the migrants were doing to tear up his place of work: “The chaos that we see at the Row today is compiled by migrants being drunk, drinking all day, smoking marijuana, consuming drugs, and domestic violence … people having sex in the stairs, young people, teenagers, they use the fire exit stairs to go in there and do what they do.”
And now Adams gets to clean up another mess of his own making. Flower Smith in San Antonio commented, “These people are here illegally and at our mercy. They’ve proven to be ungrateful. Don’t give them a choice. Just tell them this is where you’re staying.” And in Scotch Grove, IA, Richard Streeper reminded the good mayor he was out of his depth, saying, “What a nimrod. You say you are a sanctuary, now live it and quit bitching. Use city money to pay for your generosity, not federal tax dollars. Let us see just how generous you truly are.”
Flyover folks do not appreciate two-faced politicians and ill-mannered illegal aliens, it seems.
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