The undisputed king of Democrat dark money is looking to turn Texas blue and, once again, the funding pipeline runs underground. Progressive globalist billionaire George Soros is financing a new political action committee targeting the Lone Star State in the 2024 elections, and it is near- impossible to find any public information on the new entity or its workings.
Soros “is almost single-handedly bankrolling” the Texas Majority PAC, Fox News reports. “According to Federal Election Commission filings released [Aug. 1], George Soros’s Democracy PAC II has provided $750,000 to the Texas Majority PAC during the year’s first half. Meanwhile, the Texas Majority PAC’s state filings show that the group raised $752,040 during that time, meaning Soros has financially propelled the group,” the network writes.
Soros Without Sunlight
Good luck googling it. Curiously, the notoriously biased search engine, which regularly makes it difficult to find conservative content, seems to have lost the latest Soros venture in the deep weeds of the internet. “Texas Majority PAC has maneuvered in the shadows, and virtually no information about the group is available online,” Fox continues. “Texas incorporation records show it registered in December 2022. Its website doesn’t appear in search engines like Google but can be found at Even so, there are sparse details about the entity on its site.”
“Texas Majority PAC is a project dedicated to electing a Democrat to statewide office in Texas. We are conducting research to understand what it will take to win the state,” an “About” section on the otherwise barren website reads. What’s not a mystery is the pile of Soros money funding Democrat candidates for major US office in recent years. While negative attention has mounted the cash outlays have only grown.
They Call It Democracy
The extent of Soros’ influence on one of the two major political parties in the United States today should be scandalous to any impartial observer. Political finance website Open Secrets labels “guardian angels” as “donors [who have] contributed more than 40% of the total raised by a super PAC.” “In some cases, super PACs are virtually entirely financed by the angel donor,” the site observed in a June 2022 article.
Now here comes the disturbing part: “Democratic mega-donor George Soros is currently the top individual super PAC donor for the 2022 midterm election,” Open Secrets relates. “He has contributed $126 million of the $155 million angel donors have given to liberal super PACs so far this [2022] election cycle. Forbes estimates the founder of the hedge fund Soros Fund Management and the philanthropic Open Society Foundations is worth $8.6 billion.”
Is it any wonder that George’s son and designated heir, Alexander Soros, has made at least 20 visits to the White House since Joe Biden took up residence there?
The Texas Majority PAC is already considered a force to be reckoned with in the red state. “There’s a new power player in Texas politics: Texas Majority PAC,” Tracy Marshall, executive director of Transparency USA, “a nonpartisan organization that provides information on political spending,” told the conservative news site Texas Scorecard. “Established in December with the goal of turning Texas blue, this George Soros-funded group is already among the top 10 most well-funded political committees in Texas,” Marshall emphasized.
This is the instant power that the Soros checkbook can provide. The billionaire financier’s corrosive hands have already muddied the waters in the second-largest state by population in the US. As Liberty Nation documented in October 2021, Soros donated $500,000 to local radical group Equity Austin to help it lead the fight against a ballot measure to hire more police officers. This despite the fact that citizens of the progressive city were suffering from a loss of basic social services due to “defund the police” budget cuts the year before.
LN’s Leesa Donner wrote:
“The severe staffing shortage directly resulted from Austin City Council’s decision to cut $150 million from the police department budget last year. Crime statistics are alarming in Austin: As of April of 2021, the murder rate is up 200%, aggravated assaults 36%, and car theft has risen by about 77%. These figures, compiled by Austin’s KVUE-TV, are year-to-date compared to the same period in 2017.
To parse out its workforce, the Austin Police Department asks residents to dial 311 instead of 911 if they are dealing with a non-life-threatening emergency. This change comes on the heels of a warning by the Harris County Sheriff’s Deputies Organization in Houston, which told residents that if they were ‘robbed, raped, or shot,’ to ‘hold their breath and pray’ because they might not have the personnel to respond.”
Thanks in large part to Soros and his money, the measure failed.
“A nonprofit financed by billionaire George Soros quietly donated $140 million to advocacy organizations and ballot initiatives in 2021, plus another $60 million to like-minded charities,” big-box media outlet CNBC reported in January. “Soros, who personally donated $170 million during the 2022 midterms to Democratic candidates and campaigns on top of that, spread the additional largess through the Open Society Policy Center,” the network detailed.
That is $370 million from one man in a two-year span of manipulating US elections and ballot initiatives. If you want to know why Joe Biden feels no reason to interact with the American people as the incumbent president mulls a second run in 2024 despite overwhelmingly depressing poll numbers, you can start with that number.
Biden and the endless list of Democrats who feed at the Soros trough should have every reason to believe it will be raining even more Open Society green in 2024. After all, it’s “the most important election ever,” and “democracy itself will be on the ballot,” dontchaknow.
All opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Liberty Nation.
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