The time is now for Republicans to drive home the point that massive unchecked illegal immigration represents “economic warfare” against working-class Americans, populist Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) says. Recent events appear to bear him out.
As the porous southern border continues to buckle under a wave of humanity fueled by the expiration of Title 42, the dire threat posed to communities and basic American living standards has come into stark focus as never before. Citizens who for decades have placidly accepted the ruling establishment narrative that opposing illegal immigration amounts to rank bigotry are now feeling the effects of the storm up close and personal – and the big-box media propaganda machine will not be able to hide their pained reactions.
Populist Voices in Blue Burgs
How do you spin this? Minority residents of Democrat-dominated cities like Chicago and New York are now reciting the same “hateful, xenophobic” words formerly uttered only by “right-wing fanatics.” That was before the South Side of Chicago became inundated with “undocumented” newcomers.
“Politically, having over 500 people in our community would completely wipe out any interest we have. Are you aware that there are immigrant advocates at state houses all over this country who are advocating for non-citizen voting in local elections,” J. Darnell Jones said as residents protested the Windy City’s plan to house migrants at a vacant high school, WFLD-TV reported on May 11. “What if that happened here? That would change the mindset of what we as a black community need to thrive here In Chicago. That’s a concern of ours.”
Jones even had the audacity to deny establishment claims that illegal aliens don’t increase local crime rates. “Why would any leader put our black communities already riddled with crime, at further risk by placing unvetted, non-taxpayers steps away from our seniors, our children, and our homes we’ve worked so hard on our own to secure?” he asked.
Residents of the South Side of Chicago voted 97% for Biden in the 2020 election.
In Brooklyn, parents were similarly outraged by New York City Democrat Mayor Eric Adams’ scheme to house migrants in the gymnasiums of at least three local schools. “I say to the mayor, ‘Open up Gracie Mansion, and allow the migrants to have a shower and hot meal,’” Mayra Ducos told the New York Post May 16 “as she rallied outside her children’s Williamsburg school.” “You have 22,000 square feet, let them seek refuge at your home. I bet he has a good stove to cook the migrants a hot meal,” she continued. This is the language of populist, working-class anger. And it is coming from the very heart of the Democrat voter base.
Cheap Labor Addiction Fuels a Disaster
“Republicans cannot stop hammering this stuff … we cannot ignore the cheap labor lobby is why we have this problem,” Vance told Breitbart in a May 13 interview. “Think of the effects that this has on working Americans’ wages to have 10 million more people who shouldn’t be here competing for jobs,” Vance added. “Think about what this does for housing prices, when you have to house 10 million people that shouldn’t be here, that drives up the costs of housing when interest rates are already through the roof.”
Think of the devaluing and dehumanization of work in America today, as well. As Liberty Nation has documented, the sheer misery of illegal immigration in the service of cheap labor has entered the realm of the grotesque. “A federal investigation last year discovered that a major meatpacking sanitation cleaning company with a reputation for hiring illegal aliens had employed more than 100 children in physically taxing jobs involving toxic chemicals and dangerous machinery,” LN reported in February.
The horrific conditions along the southern US border are also clear for all to see. Towns like El Paso, Texas, have become war zones. Yet, incredibly, the establishment forces clamoring for their cheap labor still take to prominent dominant media platforms to push their corrosive cause.
“No, Immigrants Aren’t Stealing Jobs From Black Americans,” reads The Wall Street Journal headline to a May 16 op-ed by Jason L. Riley. “What Everyone – Except the US – Has Learned About Immigration” is the title of another May 16 WSJ news article, authored by economic reporter Tom Fairless. “Washington remains divided over allowing more foreign workers while global rivals lower barriers to ease persistent labor shortages,” the subheading reads.
In a WSJ podcast on May 17 to discuss his article, Fairless made no bones about his contention that increased migration into the US to fill cheap-labor jobs is a necessity:
“And suddenly coming out of the pandemic, lots of wealthy countries have extremely low unemployment and very large amounts of job vacancies. And also, the wealthy economies are at a tipping point demographically where the labor force is suddenly starting to shrink quite quickly as baby boomers retire in larger numbers. And so to address this crunch, a number of countries, even countries that have had quite high unemployment rates for a long time, like Spain, which has an unemployment rate of 13%, their immigration minister told me that they need a net 300,000 immigrants per year over the coming decades to keep their labor market in balance. So for instance, Germany has kind of lowered the bar for certain types of migrants. Rather than having formal requirements for degrees or professional qualifications, they’re allowing more unskilled or lower-skilled workers to arrive.”
This is what fuels the border crisis in America today. This is what J.D. Vance says cannot be emphasized enough. This is what Biden voters in Chicago and New York are beginning to understand for the first time.
“If you’ve gone to a hospital or emergency room and you’ve seen the wait times be way too long because there are a number of illegal aliens getting healthcare, you’re seeing the effects of Ohio being a border state,” Vance told Breitbart.
“If you’ve tried to buy a house and you’ve seen the effects of skyrocketing housing costs and interest rates, you’re seeing the effects of Ohio as a border state because when you bring in 10 million people illegally, you’ve got to house them somewhere, and houses that should go to American citizens right now are going to people who should not be here in the first place.”
It seems the ruling establishment can’t hide the damage inflicted on Americans by massive illegal immigration anymore.
All opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Liberty Nation.
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