A “news” article at taxpayer-funded NPR championing sex education for kindergartners heavily references a youth-oriented organization funded by progressive globalist billionaire George Soros. The radical group states that parents questioning local school boards are part of a “regressive minority” mobilized “to maintain the heteronormative white family as the cornerstone of far-right and fascist movements spaces.”
“The case for starting sex ed in kindergarten (hula hoops recommended)” is the brazen title of the Sept. 12 NPR piece. Hula hoops are meant to show how routine childhood play can be used to instill notions of sexual boundaries in the youngest of tots.
‘Consent With Kindergarteners’
“When we’re talking about consent with kindergartners, that means getting permission before you touch someone else; asking if it’s OK if you borrow somebody’s toy or pencil or game, so that kids start to learn about personal boundaries and consent in really age- and developmentally appropriate ways,” Nora Gelperin, director of sex education and training at Advocates for Youth, is quoted as saying.
Gelperin’s organization is repeatedly cited throughout the article. An example:
“And middle school is a good time to start learning about gender expression and sexual orientation, as well as gender stereotypes. One Advocates for Youth lesson includes a scavenger hunt homework assignment where students look for gender stereotypes in the world around them, like a sports ad that only features men or an ad for cleaning supplies that only features women.”
NPR would be hard-pressed to find a more extreme group when it comes to the sexualization of school-aged children. Advocates for Youth runs a program called “Abortion Out Loud.” The aim: to harness “the power of storytelling … to end abortion stigma and strengthen support for young people’s access to abortion.”
The organization is also a fervent supporter of children’s “right” to change genders. “I Think I Might be Transgender” is a pamphlet “written by transgender youth” that is available on the AFY website. “[T]his pamphlet provides answers for young people who find that the gender to which they were born, or assigned at birth, does not fit them,” a summary reads.
Parental Concern Is Fascism
In May, Advocates for Youth was one of seven groups that co-authored a report titled “Exposing Hate: The Truth About Attacks on Our Kids, Schools, and Diversity.” Longtime sex education activist group SIECUS was the lead author. More on them below.
Other co-authors included homosexual lobbying powerhouse The Human Rights Campaign, Ipas: Partners for Reproductive Justice (an organization that trains abortionists), and American Atheists. The latter group makes sense when you realize the report declares that opposition to sex education in schools is “rooted in the values of Christian nationalism.”
The report labels opposition to “comprehensive sex education (CSE)” in schools as a “movement [that] has morphed with other far-right groups to organize against inclusive programs in public schools … We refer to the organizations, donors, and individuals that comprise this movement as the Regressive Minority.”
Parents are specifically mentioned as serving in the ranks of this “fascist” cause. From the report’s executive summary:
“This movement operates under an ideology of homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, patriarchal ideals, and white supremacy that has proliferated into broader attacks against public education. Under the guise of concerns such as ‘parental rights’ and ‘school transparency,’ the Regressive Minority has carried out targeted attacks against CSE, critical race theory (CRT), inclusive LGBTQ programs, access to a diverse selection of books, and even the use of face masks during a global pandemic …
“Opposition groups show up at school board meetings and collaborate through well-funded misinformation campaigns. These actions are carried out with a rhetoric that incites moral panic, distorts the goals of inclusive educational programs, and discourages critical thinking in their audience.”

(Photo by Brittany Murray/MediaNews Group/Long Beach Press-Telegram via Getty Images)
Believing there are only two genders is reason enough to be included in the “far-right” cabal. “Many conservative social movements and their fights against social justice are rooted in a biological essentialist belief system,” the report reads. “This belief system specifies that biological sex is the primary factor determining gender, that women and men have distinct gender roles, and they should not stray from those defined expectations.”
“The anti-CSE ideological framework is deeply rooted in patriarchal values and uses rhetoric about protecting the nuclear family as a thin veil for misogyny and desire to control women’s lives and bodies,” the report continues.
This is what NPR wants kindergartners exposed to. Again, we emphasize, concerned parents are specifically cited as a dangerous threat.
“Since the summer of 2021, there has been a sudden outbreak of so-called ‘parental rights’ groups, posing as grassroot parent activists protesting a range of inclusive educational programming and safety measures in schools,” the report asserts.
NPR and 2020 Democrat Presidential Candidates On Board
But it is not only taxpayer-supported NPR carrying water for this toxic agenda. SIECUS, lead author of the report, has for years stridently pushed The Real Education and Access for Healthy Youth Act (REAHYA), proposed legislation that would codify sexual education extremism into federal law.

Cory Booker (Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)
The organization has been able to rely on numerous prominent Democrats, including several big-name 2020 presidential candidates, to promote the bill.
Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) was the sponsor in 2021. An official statement from his office declared that the bill aimed to “end investments in harmful Title V abstinence-only programs” and “support the sexual health and agency of students and young people.”
Debra Hauser, president of Advocates for Youth, is quoted in depth in the Booker release.
Other Democrats who have signed on to SIECUS’ REAHYA bill over the years include Booker’s fellow 2020 presidential aspirants Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY). The three served as co-sponsors of the legislation in 2016.
The coronavirus pandemic turned over a rock in the nation’s public schools, shedding much-needed light on a propaganda machine in overdrive. Yet it still remains to be seen whether Americans will fully grasp just how deep-rooted the rot is.