Dark-money donor influence from progressive globalist multi-billionaires is not the exclusive domain of George Soros. A name that pops up now and again and is deserving of far more attention highlights the profound danger that shady “philanthropic” big money poses to the fundamental workings of American government. How else can one describe things when an uber-rich non-citizen has pledged hundreds of millions of dollars to affect the way US elections are conducted?
Establishment media organ Associated Press surprisingly reported April 4:
“The Berger Action Fund is a nondescript name for a group with a rather specific purpose: steering the wealth of Hansjörg Wyss, a Swiss billionaire, into the world of American politics and policy.
“As a foreign national, Wyss is prohibited from donating to candidates or political committees. But his influence is still broadly felt through millions of dollars routed through a network of nonprofit groups that invest heavily in the Democratic ecosystem. Such groups don’t have to disclose the source of their funding – or many details about how they spend it.
“Newly available tax documents show that his giving through the Berger Action Fund, which describes itself as advocating for ‘solutions to some of our world’s biggest problems,’ swelled in 2021 to $72 million, cementing Wyss’ status as a Democratic-aligned megadonor.”
The AP account details a myriad of ways in which Wyss has sought to use his financial empire to support Democrats. “Wyss’ sister, Heidi Wyss, described her brother’s pursuit of political influence in a 2014 biography that she authored, Hansjörg Wyss: My Brother,” the wire service relates.
“‘What was important for him was to find out that he could exert an influence through his foundation,’ Heidi Wyss wrote. ‘At a single meeting, the board of trustees quite often allocates several million dollars. Thus behind the scenes a Swiss plays an important part in American politics,’ another passage states.”
$100 Million For ‘Voter Registration and Outreach’
Election integrity has been a roiling issue in the US since the 2020 presidential election. But Democrat dominance in “ballot harvesting” did not just happen overnight. Watchdog site Influence Watch reports Wyss has been a massive donor to Democrat “voter registration” efforts for years.
“A 2015 memo from the Wyss Foundation unveiled plans to spend $100 million over the next five years on voter registration and outreach,” Influence Watch notes. “The memo, which detailed the Wyss Foundation’s political plans and strategy, ultimately ended up in the hands of the Democratic National Committee. This created controversy, as the Wyss Foundation is a nonprofit group and is barred from funding explicitly partisan political projects.”
The Wyss Foundation is a core sponsor of The Center for American Progress, a Swamp think tank founded by ex-Bill and Hillary Clinton top aide John Podesta that holds major sway in blue circles. Podesta’s entanglement with Wyss is astonishing.
In her book, Heidi Wyss “wrote that her wealthy sibling was both ‘one of the founding members’ and ‘one of the sponsors’ of CAP, an organization she described as ‘largely endorsing the politics of the Democratic Party and that tries to propose and implement progressive ideas in American politics,’” Philip Wegmann at Real Clear Politics detailed in September. “A spokesperson for the think tank confirmed to RCP in May that Wyss, who is listed on the organization’s website, was indeed a founding member.”
The Wyss Foundation ranks combating the “global conservation crisis” as one of its chief policy aims. When Podesta entered the Obama administration as a “White House counselor,” Wyss was able to directly count on a man who was not only an ally and grantee but an employee. Wegmann states:
“In 2013, shortly before joining the Obama administration, Podesta worked directly for the now defunct HJW Foundation, which later merged with the Wyss Foundation. According to publicly available tax documents, the former Clinton aide offered ‘consulting’ services to that organization, then called the HJW Foundation. He was paid $87,000.
“Conservatives argued at the time that Podesta had violated ethics rules by taking money from Wyss and then backing policies favored by the foreign billionaire, specifically making the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge off limits to oil and gas exploration. The Obama White House shrugged. A spokesperson for Podesta later told High Country News, which itself accepted funding from the Wyss Foundation, that there was no such impropriety.”
The Non-Citizen Donor and US Election Infrastructure
In January, Liberty Nation documented how Democrat-aligned dark-money donors are pouring cash into the election infrastructure in controversial Clark County, Nevada, as 2024 approaches. Surely, there will be no strings attached. Murky organizations such as the Sixteen Thirty Fund and the New Venture Fund are among the campaigns spearheading this operation.
“Since switching his focus to nonprofits, two closely related organizations that play a role in Democratic politics have been among the biggest recipients of Wyss’ money,” the Associated Press report reads. “The Sixteen Thirty Fund and the New Venture Fund – two organizations that share the same founder, address and management firm – collectively received $245 million donated by Wyss’ groups since 2016, tax records show.”
The saddest realization may be that, to the progressive ruling establishment, all this is merely business as usual in American politics today.
All opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Liberty Nation.
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