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Nigel Farage questions UK treasury chief and his wife’s ties to China.
UK populist right leading light Nigel Farage stepped on a potential live wire on October 18 when he dared to ask out loud whether British citizens should question the controversial background of a top government official’s foreign-born wife. Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt is the UK’s treasury chief, and his wife – who hails from China – has significant ties to the communist regime.
Hunt unilaterally squashed new Prime Minister Liz Truss’s tax cut proposal on October 17. This led Farage to tweet: “As [Hunt] now runs our country, are we happy that his wife works for a Chinese State TV company?”
Curious Lack of Curiosity
In America, the thought of closely planted Chinese spies holding sway over elected officials has percolated for years, although none of the subjects involved in high-profile cases have yet to face serious investigation. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) had a …
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