When banded together for a common cause, mothers of all ages can get the job done. Moms have ruled nations since time immemorial, started and finished wars, battled side by side with men, demanded and earned rights no government was ready to bestow, and changed the course of history. But Moms for Liberty, a two-year-old non-profit, is on a crusade that follows the basic guiding principles of the Founding Fathers. They won’t burn bras or wear hats depicting the female anatomy in the middle of the street as some liberal-motivated and angry gals have done.
These moms are strategic, intelligent, and driven by something more deep-seated than the cause du jour. They want future generations to be educated on the “greatest experiment” and explain why and how America stands for freedom, equality, parental rights, and protection from indoctrination. Moms for Liberty’s long-term goals are in perpetuity. And they must be doing something right to have catapulted the radical left into name-calling and generating watch lists.
Sticks and Stones Won’t Break These Moms
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) does not care for this group of gals who have taken on the K-12 curriculum that of late is loaded with classroom talk about critical race theory (CRT) and LGBTQ+ sex education. The Moms are so incensed about teaching sexual techniques to third graders, encouraging children to transition to another gender, and labeling white students oppressors that the SPLC has announced they are an extremist organization. In radical left speak: “Moms for Liberty is an antigovernment organization.” That could not be further from the truth — unless the SPLC is happy to have the government raise their children.
Republicans were swift to knock that description right down. “If @Moms4Liberty is a ‘hate group,’ add me to the list,” presidential candidate Nikki Haley tweeted in June.
The activist media are not fond of this women-fueled movement, which is ironic, considering the fawning over the Me-Too movement during the Trump administration, with the unintended consequences of Democrat and the intended Republican men being rounded up and put out to pasture. The Public Broadcasting System wrote headlines that screamed “Far Right Org Clashes With Teachers.” Well, that is precisely the stated goal. When did respect for parental rights become a political hot button?
The co-founders of Moms for Liberty, Florida’s Tiffany Justice and Tina Descovich, tend to let the insults roll right off and take the attention as proof they are on the right track. “The K-12 Cartel — also known as the National Teachers Union (NEA) — met and drafted a proposal to replace the word ‘Mother’ with ‘Birthing Person.’ This is insane and insulting to every mom in America,” explained Justice. “But don’t worry, relief is coming … Because as the Teachers Union pushes an agenda focused on everything BUT educating our children, American Parents are rising up, taking back our school districts and putting the focus back on educating our children. To be clear — You will not be seeing ‘Moms for Liberty’ rebranded as ‘Birthing Persons for Liberty’ anytime soon.”
Descovich is equally spicy. “My line in the sand is calling a singular human ‘they/them.’ Go ahead and call me mean names. I can take it,” she tweeted.
Moms on Your Side
Moms for Liberty is a 501(c)4 corporation affiliated with three political action committees and an operating budget of $300,000. But they have friends in high conservative places and host keynote speakers such as former Fox News host Megyn Kelly and Donald Trump’s Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson. But Moms for Liberty isn’t interested in dominating the GOP scene. Rather, they tend to stay in their lane, focusing on education and reforming K-12 education from the ground level and up. They are a resource for disenfranchised parents who want to join in the pushback against school overreach.
You may not agree everything on the Moms’ to-do list, but they are a powerful political force for the Republican Party, Independents, Libertarians, and Democrats who want to be the decision-makers for their children. They seem to be doing a lot right. In just a few years, the organization has grown to 285 chapters and boasts well more than 100,000 members in 45 states. In the midterm elections, a majority of candidates endorsed by the organization are now in public service on school boards nationwide.
These “joyful warriors” and “mama bears” are on a mission to take back the parental rights that of late have somehow evaporated. Don’t stand in their way.