Greg Abbott (Photo by Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)
The clash between Texas Governor Greg Abbott and the mayors of certain blue cities is heating up after his state sent another busload of migrants to New York City. The Abbott Express is not slowing down, and now New York City Mayor Eric Adams is looking for a way to strike back. He appears to be at a loss for ideas, however, on how to capitalize politically on the standoff. Even further, he and DC Mayor Muriel Bowser find themselves walking a tightrope. Both have expressed support for open borders policies but are now complaining about having to take care of the immigrants they claim to welcome.
Getting Even With Greg Abbott
Mayor Adams on Tuesday said he is considering counterattacking Gov. Abbott by sending a busload of New Yorkers to Texas to help Beto O’Rourke, Abbott’s opponent in Texas’ upcoming gubernatorial election.
“I already called all my friends in Texas and told them how to cast their votes,” Adams said during a press conference. “And I am deeply contemplating taking a busload of New Yorkers to go to Texas and do some good old-fashioned door knocking because we have to, for the good of America, we have to get him out of office.”
Adams’ remarks came two days after the second busload of illegal immigrants from Texas to New York City. The move was part of an ongoing initiative in which the Lone Star State is transporting illegals to DC and the Big Apple to ease the burden placed on the state’s border towns, which have struggled to support the influx of migrants.
“[email protected] used innocent people as political pawns to manufacture a crisis,” Adams tweeted on Sunday, after the second busload arrived. “New Yorkers are stepping up to fix it — that’s our city’s values. But we need the federal government’s help — money, technical assistance and more.”

Greg Abbott (Photo by Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)
Gov. Abbott’s office responded by accusing Adams of hypocrisy. “Mayor Adams is hypocritically upset about welcoming a few dozen into his sanctuary city,” Renae Eze, Abbott’s press secretary, wrote.
Eze refuted Adams’ claims that the illegals being transported to New York did not know where they were going and were taken without their consent. “These migrants willingly chose to go to New York City, having signed a voluntary consent waiver, available in multiple languages, upon boarding that they agreed to the destination,” she explained.
In response to Adams’ contention that taking illegals to NYC is “horrific,” Eze wrote: “What’s horrific is the thousands of illegal immigrants overrunning and overwhelming our border communities with populations smaller than a New York City borough.”
Even before becoming mayor, Adams had been a vocal proponent of open borders policies. He has consistently lauded the city’s sanctuary status and backed efforts to provide driver’s licenses to illegal aliens. The mayor has also been an outspoken critic of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and he released a plan to “protect immigrant communities” in June. Part of this strategy would be to require city agencies to provide services to all eligible residents without exposing illegals to immigration authorities.
Greg Abbott makes a strong point about Adams’ hypocrisy, given the mayor’s apparent desire to see as many legal and illegal immigrants entering the country as possible. If this is the case, why is he all in a tizzy at the prospect of welcoming them into his own city?
The Abbott Express appears to be an effective move on the governor’s part. It has placed Adams and his ilk in a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation. If they complain too loudly about the influx of migrants, they might lose their open borders bona fides. But if they say nothing and continue receiving more illegals, their constituents will likely balk, as they are forced to suffer the consequences. It wouldn’t be a stretch to imagine this could push Democrats into holding President Joe Biden’s feet to the proverbial fire over his mishandling of the border crisis.
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