We asked and you answered: This week’s poll results are in. Which is more important to voters for the November elections: $5 gas or abortion? How will Democrats react to the Second Amendment SCOTUS decision? Liberty Nation readers have weighed in with their opinions.
Will $5 gas or abortion rights be more important to voters in November?
While abortion is a hot topic right now, our poll-takers don’t think it will be a big deal in the upcoming general election. Gas prices, according to 98% of our voters, will be much more of a concern. So far, the administration has failed to provide effective solutions to the soaring costs. The economy is the driving force of the country, and people want to make sure they can pay their mortgages, put food on the table, and drive to grandma’s house for Christmas.
Now that the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of throwing abortion rights back to the state level, it might be surprising to see that only 2% of our poll takers think it will be a big issue in the November elections. But then again, abortion only affects some people in certain states; inflation has taken a chunk out of most Americans’ wallets.
Another concern is where America is going to get its oil and fuel: Will it be from Saudi Arabia, where President Joe Biden has sworn never to do business after calling the crown prince a criminal? Right now, the commander-in-chief is looking overseas for help, which has many opponents worried about the nation’s national security, as Liberty Nation discussed in last week’s poll results.
How will Democrats react to the new Second Amendment SCOTUS decision?
- Try and change SCOTUS: 81%
- Try to resist it: 17%
- Accept it: 2%
On June 23, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of gun owners, to much dismay and anger on the left. LN Legal Affairs Editor Scott D. Cosenza covered the ruling, which just so happened to come down on Justice Clarence Thomas’ birthday. Mr. Cosenza explained:
“Thomas’ opinion in New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn., Inc. v. Bruen means that all Americans have the right to carry a firearm without being subject to the whims of state officials or favoritism in the process. Now all states must permit anyone who qualifies under objective terms to carry firearms outside the home. But that’s not all. The ruling in NYSRP v. Bruen also changes how lower courts should evaluate all laws impacting the Second Amendment in a way that favors an expansive view of gun rights.”
Is it likely progressives and anti-gun rights advocates will just sit on their hands and accept this ruling? Probably not, said 81% of our poll takers. We’ve already seen evidence of their determination to get what they want with actions such as trying to get rid of the filibuster, and attempts to pack the court.
And, while Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) was talking about abortion, her words echo the left’s attitude and may just apply to Second Amendment rights as well:
“You ain’t seen nothing yet. Women are going to control their bodies no matter how they try and stop us. The hell with the Supreme Court. We will defy them. Women will be in control of their bodies. And if they think Black women are intimidated or afraid, they got another thought coming.”