President Joe Biden has named Karine Jean-Pierre as his next White House press secretary. She will replace Jen Psaki later this month after the latter circles back for the final time on May 13. Her appointment will be a historic one as she will become the first openly gay person to occupy this role. Oh, and she also happens to be black and female, which earns extra diversity points for the administration. But beyond this, Jean-Pierre’s appointment also has other political perks for the White House that will certainly be exploited after every press conference in which the new secretary will defend an indefensible administration.
“Karine not only brings the experience, talent and integrity needed for this difficult job, but she will continue to lead the way in communicating about the work of the Biden-Harris Administration on behalf of the American people,” Biden said in a statement. “Jill and I have known and respected Karine a long time and she will be a strong voice speaking for me and this Administration.”
At Thursday’s press briefing where Psaki announced the transition, Jean-Pierre said, “this is a historic moment, and it’s not lost on me.”
“I understand how important it is for so many people out there, so many different communities, that I stand on their shoulders – and I have been throughout my career,” she added.
The new press secretary has quite an extensive resume as a leftist activist. According to NPR, “Jean-Pierre came to the Biden team from the progressive organization, where she was a top communications staffer. She was also a regular on MSNBC. Jean-Pierre has already led several White House press briefings, including when Psaki was out with COVID.”
The administration has more than just a press secretary in Jean-Pierre – it also has a valuable political weapon to use against the few reporters who dare to ask tough questions or criticize the president. With her various identities, she is an intersectional trifecta of sorts, which can be used against the likes of Fox News’ Peter Doocy.
Jean-Pierre is gay. If you criticize her, you might be a homophobe. She is a woman. Anyone who questions her pronouncements is probably a sexist. She is also black. Only a white sheet-wearing racist would dare to point out inconsistencies in her disingenuous statements. These tropes will likely be trotted out after every single press briefing in which tough questions are asked.
One only had to look to the Obama administration to see how this plays out. Democrats and their close friends and allies in the activist media relished the opportunity to call Republicans racist for opposing Obamacare or for criticizing any of his other policies. It is fair to assume they will gladly do the same to those challenging Jean-Pierre.
Media activists masquerading as reporters will pretend she is being attacked more viciously than any other press secretary in American history. They will insist that hard queries are motivated by pure unadulterated bigotry. This is the playbook the left has used for decades, and they aren’t about to stop now. At a time when President Biden is making a total mess of his time in the Oval Office, Democrats might just benefit from a little race-baiting to distract from his abysmal performance.