Political pandering on display in Joe Biden’s White House.
In an effort to woo the national teachers union, President Biden hosted a state dinner for the Teacher of the Year, Missy Testerman. The exclusive event was a taxpayer’s burden normally reserved for heads of state and royalty to shore up alliances and demonstrate that America is a global party circuit contender. Many such dinners cost upwards of $500,000, according to the State Department Office of Protocol.
But perhaps, in this case, the Biden-Harris campaign should pick up the tab on this wildly inappropriate use of funds to feed educators and the powerful provocateur organization, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). It appears to be the savviest of moves in the re-election campaign: an event on their turf, in the hallowed halls where kings, queens, and other world leaders have been wined and dined at the expense of a struggling American middle class.
Mrs. Biden announced the dinner and Testerman’s invitation to the press: “I have a special announcement, Missy: When you come to the White House, we are going to have a ‘state dinner’ for the teachers,” she joyously exclaimed. “It’s the first time ever.”
Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, who is evidently also immune to understanding the problem with this, pointed out that White House state dinners are a sign of respect for guests’ influence. “So, in hosting the state dinner for teachers, the president and his administration is honoring our teachers with a level of national respect that is long overdue,” he said to applause. “There is no American dream without American teachers.”
But here’s the waste and the rub: AFT already endorsed Biden/Harris on May 31, 2023. Just what are they trying to get in front of? Do teachers across the nation disagree with their union bosses? They do, and it’s all because of the president’s waffling on support for Israel and Palestine.
Repeal Biden Endorsement
So, you spend a half-million to schmooze 120 people from nearly all 50 states (Florida bowed out), and that will erase the bent-out-of-shape people who support Hamas-controlled Palestine? The National Educators Association (NEA) proves the dinner was a waste of taxpayer resources. Educators for Palestine within the NEA petitioned the parent organization:
“President Biden has indicated a willingness to support a new law allowing US border officials to expel migrants without processing their asylum claims in exchange for congressional support for sending $14 billion dollars of military aid to Israel. This behavior overwhelmingly violates NEA’s core values related to justice. As other unions are acting in solidarity with the call from Palestinian trade unions for a ceasefire, NEA is increasingly isolating itself from the labor movement.
“Therefore, we call on NEA to revoke our endorsement of President Biden until the following conditions have been met. Furthermore, until NEA takes this step, we pledge to withhold future NEA PAC donations.”
And they are in good company. Other unions are joining the call for a permanent cease-fire, including the United Auto Workers, National Nurses United, American Postal Workers Union, and the Association of Flight Attendants–CWA. Until Uncle Joe gets off the fence, those numbers will increase.
Keep It Classy, Biden
The state dinner is a traditional affair requiring strict State Department Protocols and exquisite planning; it is not a campaign tool to be used to shore up support for re-election. As State explains, “These formal dinners involve the creation of invitations and guest lists, menus, flowers, table settings, seating arrangements, and entertainment for the evening.”
For Biden’s teachers, they dined on apple, walnut, and celery root salad followed by a main course of lobster ravioli. And we can’t forget dessert – a trio of strawberries and cream, apple mousse, and coconut custard cake. Oh, and they were gifted a gold apple for each plate.
Of course, the Biden’s aren’t the only abusers of state dinners. Michelle Obama was known to throw several ‘kids state dinners’ to push her Let’s Move! Initiative back in 2012. But this event was never intended as a campaign stop. As WhiteHouse.gov explains:
“[T]he term State Dinner has come to mean more specifically a dinner hosted by the president honoring a foreign head of State as the guest of honor. The first ruling monarch to attend a State Dinner at the White House was King Kalakaua of Hawai’i, hosted by President Ulysses S Grant and First Lady Julia Grant on December 22, 1874.”
Joe Biden might be hot for teachers, but America is hot for fiscal responsibility.