President Joe Biden channeled his inner Terry McAuliffe on Wednesday when he intimated that teachers view their students as their own children when they are in the classroom. It would be easy to assume the president was simply referring to how deeply educators care about the kids they are responsible for. However, the facts on the ground show that, intentionally or unintentionally, Biden said the quiet part out loud and further revealed how the progressive left views this issue. Your kids don’t belong to you; they belong to the state.
During a speech at the latest Teacher of the Year ceremony at the White House, Biden discussed the relationship between educator and student. “They’re all our children. And the reason you’re the teachers of the year is because you recognize that. They’re not somebody else’s children. They’re like yours when they’re in the classroom,” he said.
Later in his speech, the president took aim at Republicans and conservatives pushing back against school districts teaching problematic material about sexuality and race to young children. He said: “There are too many politicians trying to score political points trying to ban books, even math books. Did you ever think when you’d be teaching you’re going to be worried about book burnings and banning books all because it doesn’t fit somebody’s political agenda?”
Given the current debate over education, it is interesting that Biden would make such a comment, even if he meant well. Many criticized him, pointing out how people who believe children belong to the state are hard at work making their idea into a reality.
While Democrats deny that the left is engaged in a longstanding effort to indoctrinate children into hard-leftist ideology, the proof is in the proverbial pudding. There are several examples showing that educators and administrators are presenting children with progressive ideas. Last November, Dr. Nikolai Vitti, superintendent of Detroit Public Schools Community District, was filmed explaining to an audience that Critical Race Theory (CRT) is an integral component of the curriculum. He said:
“Our curriculum is deeply using Critical Race Theory, especially in social studies, but you’ll find it in English Language Arts and the other disciplines. We are very intentional about creating curriculum infusing materials and embedding Critical Race Theory within our curriculum as stated by many speakers today.”
Another example in which progressives display their belief about kids belonging to the state can be seen in the vociferous opposition to Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law. They claimed, without evidence, that the legislation would unfairly discriminate against members of the LGBTQ community. Of course, it was clear they used this line of attack because it is nearly impossible to defend the idea of teaching small children about sexual orientation and gender identity on its merit.
But the law did not only address what is being taught in the classroom; it also provided more transparency for parents concerned about the material put before children. In short, it gives them more of a say when it comes to their kids’ education. If teachers seek to indoctrinate children into the Church of Wokeism, informed parents might put a damper on that initiative.
These examples are already disturbing enough, but the starkest indicator showing the hard-left’s feeling about the state owning children can be seen in how school districts are cutting parents out of the equation, especially when it concerns sexuality and gender identity. Chicago Public Schools, the third-largest district in the nation, recently gave a presentation to teachers, providing guidelines on addressing children dealing with gender dysphoria. It included several PowerPoint slides instructing educators not to discuss a child’s gender identity with other staff members – or even their parents – without the student’s consent.
In Wisconsin’s Eau Claire Area School District, teachers are told that parents are “not entitled” to know their children’s gender identity or whether they have chosen to socially transition to the other sex. Their presentation insisted that such trust must be “earned” by the parents.
Lastly, parents of children attending schools in California’s Glendale Unified School District (GUSD) took the school board to task when it was revealed that a teacher colluded with an official to covertly teach eight-year-olds about sexual orientation. After a parent pulled her child out of the lesson, the teacher emailed a school district official to seek advice.
“Today I talked to my class about LGBTQ pride month and played 2 short videos from YouTube that were geared towards kids,” the teacher’s email read. “A parent who heard the lesson and discussion made her daughter leave Zoom and texted me asking me when I was done discussing sexual orientation so that she could let her kids back into Zoom. I was planning on doing more lessons tomorrow and Wednesday, but now I’m afraid to.” The official responded, advising the educator to “steer clear of content that says ‘sexual’ or ‘coming out’ since it may raise flags,” according to one of the mothers speaking at the school board meeting.
The energy the left has put into infusing school materials with progressive ideas and their fervent efforts to remove parents from the situation can only mean one thing: President Biden is right. These folks believe children should be wards of the state. It is why people like McAuliffe have objected to the notion that adults should have influence over what their children are being taught.