Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest running and most popular weekly column. Capturing the truth each week from heartlanders in flyover states, LN gives voice to the hard-working Americans otherwise ignored by the coastal elites.
There were swings, hits, and misses in the political world this week, and heartlanders commented on every single play. From snide remarks about the Biden family White House cocaine problem, to the Freedom Caucus’ high school antics and the ongoing aid to Ukraine. A busy week? Nah, just business as usual as Middle America watches and waits until November 5, 2024.
Not That Kennedy
Sniffgate was redefined this week at the White House. Instead of Joe Biden inhaling the scent of anyone in smell range, a baggie of cocaine was discovered in the mansion’s West Executive entrance. Both President Biden and son Hunter had been on site in the days leading up to the discovery, and not, as press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre insisted, already at Camp David. Fox News reported: “According to the Friday, June 30 pool report, Biden gave remarks in the Roosevelt Room that afternoon and didn’t depart the White House for Camp David until 6:34 p.m., along with First Lady Jill Biden, Hunter Biden, and Hunter’s son Beau Biden.”
Did it just blow in through the door on its own? To answer that question, Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) appeared on Hannity Friday with guest host Jason Chaffetz, who posed the question: “Are you going to be able – as a senator – to be able to understand what’s going on with this investigation? My guess – just a guess – the United States Secret Service already knows how this happened. They just haven’t told us yet.”
“Well, I haven’t seen the news today,” Kennedy answered. “Did they find more blow in the White House, or are we still talking about the first stuff? Look, I’ve been in the Situation Room. There are cameras everywhere. I’m pretty sure the Secret Service knows.”
“I probably shouldn’t say this, but if my record was as bad as this White House’s record, I’d probably give my staff blow too,” Kennedy joked. Jamyr Miller in Houston called Kennedy a mix between Mark Twain and Will Rogers. “He’s smart as a whip, but he has a preference to hang out with the folks that elected him and whom he represents. They are just as smart. He speaks their language.”
More Biden Warmongering
Democrats and Republicans alike are squeamish about the president’s continued aid to Ukraine. Biden is expected to send cluster bombs to Ukraine soon a move against common sense nations who find the tactic incredibly dangerous to regular citizens. James Carlton, in Maumee, OH: “This idiot is going to get us into World War three. Y’all think this is a game until your child, grandchild, or loved one is gone forever. Or until you will be fighting in your backyard. You people need to seriously grow up. This isn’t a video game!”
For those who don’t follow the vernacular of the war machine, cluster munitions are a category of rockets, bombs, missiles, and artillery projectiles that break apart in the air. They are not explicitly targeted and can significantly threaten the innocent bystander.
Randall Stine of Indiana simply stated: “Well, it’s some kind of cluster all right.”
House of High School Representatives
The mean girl catfight between Reps. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) have finally irritated the wrong people: the GOP from whence they both hail. In a move that Democrats love and MAGA folks are furious about, the House Freedom Caucus stripped Rep. Greene (R-GA) of her caucus membership.
Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) said the final straw for primarily rude and disrespectful public behavior came when Greene accused Boebert of copying her penned Articles of Impeachment. One might ask who cares how those documents see the light of day, but instead, there was high school-level name-calling. Greene called Boebert a “little b-tch” on the House floor. Harris said it was the “last straw.” In Ringgold, GA, Phil Krantz didn’t much care: “She sold us out when she voted to increase the debt ceiling. She gave Biden a blank check, then lied about it and parroted McCarthy’s ( Paul Ryan Jr) talking points. I’ll vote for whoever primaries her.” Boebert was said to have disagreed with the decision. Oh, girls. Settle down; you are supposed to be on the same team.
All opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Liberty Nation.
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