Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest running and most popular weekly column. Capturing the truth each week from heartlanders in flyover states, LN gives voice to the hard-working Americans otherwise ignored by the coastal elites.
Heartlanders are howling at the latest tar-and-feather attack on Donald Trump and demanding a tit-for-tat form of justice for President Joe Biden. There was talk of indictment and impeachment in the air as the good folks in the Midwest jabbered non-stop on how to proceed. Try as they might, the activist media is about to lose control of the narrative and let the first family fall from grace spectacularly. Meanwhile, Tucker Carlson wowed the Twitterverse with a debut to end all debuts, pleasing the former Fox News audience members to no end.
Indictment Flood Gates: Open for Political Oppression
The Constitutional Republic was designed to avoid collusion and Banana Republic-style attempts to overthrow adversaries. But most citizens in flyover states have concluded that is precisely what the political players use and abuse to remove what they deem a presidential threat. That would be former President Donald Trump, and his enemies have every right to be concerned: No matter what they throw at him, he still leads Biden in the polls on favorability. Suitable for the goose, right?
But when it comes to investigating the real crimes lurking around the Biden family, it’s not good enough for the gander residing in the White House, and the Department of Justice is slow to the party.
Liberty Nation’s Graham Noble summed the situation up with ease:
“The FBI’s reticence in this matter, despite a previous warning from Republicans, has served only to further fuel widespread suspicion that Biden family corruption is very real and very well-established. Considering the frequency with which information passes from government sources to the media when it serves to damage one political candidate or protect another, one might speculate that the contents of this document are extremely incriminating.”
Remember Christopher Wray? Well, this go around, he’s in the spotlight for a House Oversight Committee hearing to testify what he knows about an alleged foreign scheme to bribe Joe Biden. Some call it a smoking gun. But Wray thumbed his nose at the subpoena, and it appears no one was overly concerned – except Americans.
Mike Hobbs, a rancher in Southern New Mexico, has had enough of the nonsense: “So, as it plays out in full public view, we learn the Department of Injustice is not answerable to Congress!” Hobbs, clearly ready to rumble, continued: “Christopher Wray, Biden’s chief henchman goon, continues to defy a legal subpoena with impunity while the Oversight Committee rolls over and reassumes its normal fetal position. Comer grovels at Wray’s feet and suspends the scheduled contempt proceedings?”
In Minnesota, Emma Thompson appears to believe that all politicians and elected officials are on the take: “Hey, everybody obstructs, everybody gets their lawyers to say everything has been returned, everybody uses a defense like being able to declassify telepathically, everyone, in the history of this country, does it.”
Tucker Twitter Takeover
Tucker Carlson debuted his new show on Twitter to a real-time audience of 10.5 million, surpassing the number of people watching Fox News. But his broadcast has now exceeded 100 million views, according to Twitter Analytics. Jaime Lopez in Galveston, TX, never doubted Carlson’s move: “Great content. I hope he keeps them coming. With longer episodes. Never doubt Elon Musk – he knew this would be very popular.”
And it was popular. Of course, the Tucker fanbase was in severe withdrawal and needed a fix of the truth and his classic straight talk. And Carlson went after the media that threw him under the bus:
“A small group of people control access to all relevant information. And the rest of us don’t know. We’re allowed to yap all we want about racism but go ahead and talk about something that really matters and see what happens. If you keep it up, they’ll make you quiet. Trust us. That’s how they maintain control.”
Chicago’s Tom Welling chuckled a bit, saying: “FOX shot themselves in the foot.”
Jodi Lawrence Gaulin was excited to have his voice back on air and wrote: “Awesome job, Tucker! The chains are off…continue with the truth. Don’t let them (FOX) keep you quiet. This country needs your voice now more than ever.”
Heartlanders will always take a win with grace and good manners.
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