Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest-running and most popular weekly column. Capturing the truth each week from heartlanders in flyover states, LN gives voice to the hard-working Americans otherwise ignored by the coastal elites.
Heartlanders said prayers and asked for deliverance from the man ensconced at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue this week as the public relations arm of the Democratic Party, the activist media, insulted a former Japanese prime minister. Further incensing the conservative and well-mannered crowd, one of America’s national treasures was summarily removed from the West Wing and replaced by assorted photographs – which can only be described as the utmost in egotistical actions. Flyover folks are waiting somewhat impatiently for November’s midterm elections, to say the least.
Changing the Narrative
The television broadcaster, CBS, and one of its talking head journalists decided it was time to tick off this nation’s good people at week’s end. On the Mornings program, Elizabeth Palmer brought the rebranding of progressive liberalism to a boil by attaching a slur of conservative ideologies to the assassination of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Palmer called him a “polarizing” figure who had controversial political opinions.
She went on to say, “While in office, Abe met former President Donald Trump several times to reaffirm Japan’s military and trade alliances with the United States.” So, there it is: tying one fallen world leader to another to make a tasteless political point. Middle Americans, who have memories much like the elephant that symbolizes many political party affiliations, asked a fundamental question: “Does anyone else remember the last headline from activist media that torqued off the majority (not including progressive liberals, of course)? Well, the rural crowd recognized the political subterfuge.
It was during former President Trump’s tenure. A raid occurred on the Islamic Nation’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. He did not survive. And a leading and certainly left-leaning Washington newspaper ran the following headline announcing this particular assassination of the leader of ISIS: “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State, dies at 48.”
Even the body of the obituary claimed that Baghdadi was “an austere religious scholar with wire-frame glasses and no known aptitude for fighting and killing.”
See the problem? Well, Heartlanders certainly jumped all over CBS for the demeaning report of Shinzo. Michael LoCicero, in Alabama, noticed that Abe was a friend of nationalism: “In other words, Abe was against the globalist agenda.“ Bunker Hill, Indiana’s Evan Strong, also not a fan of CBS: “Of course, his policies were conservative, which automatically makes it polarizing. Liberal policies are the only thing people want. Right?”
But others saw the sneaky insertion of Donald Trump and cried foul, like Eric Hutchison in Clinton, MS: “In other words, they hate him because he got along with Trump.” But all the good folks who try to live the good life away from the biggest liberal-run cities agreed: the media is bound and determined to link tragedy with Trump and allow the Democrats to run your life. But that does not fly here so much. As a patriot, Michael Soqui stated, “Our American media should never try to justify political assignations.”
More Photos of Dear Leader, Please
Heartlanders are mostly a humble bunch with a few narcissists thrown in, so there’s someone to talk about behind their backs. That aside, news from the White House had folks talking smack about the latest move to pump the ego of the current president, which seems like a dangerous idea to some as it’s near as inflated as it can get without a messy explosion. But, nevertheless, the electric air hose kicked into high gear just outside the press secretary’s enclosure. An art display – iconic and much treasured, over the years – was removed and replaced by photos and graphics of Joe Biden.
Who did Biden unseat? None other than a series of watercolors and black and white sketches by Norman Rockwell himself, depicting Americans waiting to see the president of the United States.
Tis a twist of sorts: America’s beloved artist is being scrapped for America’s most unpopular president. Mike McGee of Utah simply replied, “I wasn’t sure if this is a joke or if he really is that big of a pompous a—” (The dashes are Liberty Nation’s, not Mr. McGee’s) Most folks picked the latter.