Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest running and most popular weekly column. Capturing the truth each week from heartlanders in flyover states, LN gives voice to the hard-working Americans otherwise ignored by the coastal elites.
The grumpiest of Heartlanders reared up this week, grumbling about a satirical piece. Presidential hopefuls invaded Iowa again, and a new protest song against the establishment garnered millions of followers almost overnight. So many conversations, so little time.
Lake Was Allowed to Be Lake
Former Phoenix TV news anchor and Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake seemingly was the advance team for her friend and political mentor, former President Donald Trump. Lake showed up a day early, made the rounds, and found herself involved in a demonstration in the dairy barn. She perched herself on the milking stool, began a near-perfect display of how to milk a cow, and then went totally Kari: “Where’s the New York Times reporter?” She asked the gathered press. Singling her out, she goaded, “You do know there are only two genders?”
The singled-out reporter seemed to shrug uncomfortably.
“There’s only two genders, and they know that in Iowa,” Lake said. “I challenge the New York Times reporter and the Washington Post reporter to try to milk a cow and then try to milk a bull and see how that goes.” That visual got an “atta girl” from Steve Zinn in Lawrence, IN: “She is a lioness — love her!” Texan Candy Cooper got the immediate message, commenting, “There’s no better way to make a point!”
A New Protest Song
On the heels of Jason Aldean’s song, “Try That in a Small Town,” Virginia folk singer Oliver Anthony posted a piece on YouTube that has gone viral. It’s called “Rich Men North of Richmond,” and it calls out politicians on both sides of the aisle with lyrics such as: “Living in the new world/With an old soul/These rich men north of Richmond/Lord knows they all just want to have total control.”
In Arizona, Kathleen Sheehan writes: “This is not a song. It’s an anthem for 80+ million Americans who have been smeared, ignored, mocked, slandered, and robbed by their government. Thank you, Oliver Anthony.”
Heartlanders: Not in the Mood
Scoops Delacroix, the self-styled French-Canadian sportswriter, opined on the Daily Caller: “The shocking reveal: Steve Kerr, future NBA Hall-of-Fame coach of the Golden State Warriors and outspoken left-wing activist, named his son Nick. That’s right. Nick Kerr.”
And no one got the joke. This guy was in no way being serious, just more of a satirist poking fun. But folks jumped on the statement like rats on a bag of Cheetos.
Folks in Alabama, like Milton Young, thought the piece was “funny as f—.” But the more serious purveyors of the news site, obviously not feeling the joy of the post, aired their grievances. Maybe it was read right after church or Bible study Wednesday. Perhaps that is why Kentuckian David Frankel weighed in, commenting, “How this is in any way racist is beyond me. Apparently, this fool has a problem with enunciation. To help you buddy, try saying Nickolas Kerr.”
Dennis Dotson in North Carolina was also a tad snippy: “Yeah, I’m happy to jump on Liberals all day long, but this is ridiculous. I sincerely doubt that he or his wife ever had that intention, never considered it, and more importantly, Nick is short for his actual name. What moron came up with this?”
Ah, humor. It’s all in the eye of the beholder in the heartland. But Scoops had a few more words of wisdom: “The younger Kerr was promoted Wednesday to head coach of the Warriors’ G-League team. What a dilemma for the PA announcer.” That was when the collective, unamused, claimed a headache and went to bed.
All opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Liberty Nation.
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