A student is scanned with a metal detector by a security officer at Jefferson High School as a LA School Police office and another student watch. (Photo by Annie Wells/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)
Decades ago – 1964 to be exact – Marshall McLuhan wrote a book that has been required reading for every subsequent Journalism school graduate. Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man put forth a maxim that “the form of a medium embeds itself in any message it would transmit or convey.” And this is precisely what we see today as media outlets far and wide conduct poll after poll about firearms in the U.S. All these media polls, of course, are an outgrowth of the recent Florida school shooting and intend to provide a mass distortion of public opinion.
And thus far they are doing a bang-up job of it.
Headlines across the nation for a solid two weeks now have bombarded belabored Americans with poll after poll showing the great and urgent desire of the public for more gun control. They have endlessly touted widespread support for stricter gun laws.
But, But, But

(Photo by Annie Wells/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)
However, there are few crucial caveats that the media is desperate to hide. For instance, if guns are the problem and not the triggerman then why do 77% of Americans say, “better mental health monitoring and treatment would have averted [the shooting].” This is buried in the ABC News/Washington Post poll. Also, the poll found that public opinion on assault rifles have stayed steady at around 50% which means essentially half of those questioned oppose a ban on assault weapons.
But there’s even more the leftist propaganda media machine doesn’t want you to know. Forty-four percent now say they support arming teachers in schools. This is a proposition that Liberty Nation has long held and repeatedly written about, and now the President is publicly saying much the same thing.
Even Google admits that across the U.S., statistics show that Americans are searching for “contrasting things simultaneously” – that is “gun control” and “gun shops” are both being explored in substantial numbers on their search engine. It’s doubtful the gun shop lookups are frivolous. And despite the constant pounding by the media that gun sales are down, 2017 reported the second largest sales of firearms in America ever. In fact, Black Friday was a record day for background checks, and these folks weren’t submitting to these examinations just for fun.
The leftist media will tell you that only 32% of Americans live in households with guns while Gallup and Pew Research Center have long held that it is considerably higher at 42%.
The Medium is NOT the Message
These are but a few of the messages the mainstream media does not want you to hear. It is a woeful state of affairs when those we look to for information are busy hiding it – or worse – distorting it on purpose. We get that this is not new news to conservatives, but it is being used with great force in the current gun debate.
Therefore, it is vital that the many and varied truths of these polls see the light of day and not be hidden beneath some media rock that they hope we won’t find. Thus, we have come full-circle back to Marshall McLuhan who told us long ago that, “the message of a newscast about a heinous crime may be less about the individual news story itself — the content — and more about the change in public attitude towards crime that the newscast engenders.”
Talk about prescient. These left-leaning media folks believe they are smarter, grander, and in all ways our betters. They believe they can tell us what to think about what, when and how. But the American people are not the Hillbillies they make us out to be. We are a bit of a revolutionary lot and have always maintained that character. Let’s hope they keep it up. To quote our president, Donald J. Trump, “It’s always good to be underestimated.”
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