Two recent developments demonstrate that the globalist effort to track human beings via digital ID continues to make headway in Western nations once fiercely devoted to individual liberty. The advocates of societal control via technology continue to remorselessly pursue their goal, and they have powerful private interest backers helping them along the way.
The World Health Organization and European Union on June 5 announced they will work together to establish a worldwide digital vaccine passport infrastructure. “In June 2023, WHO will take up the European Union (EU) system of digital COVID-19 certification to establish a global system that will help facilitate global mobility and protect citizens across the world from on-going and future health threats, including pandemics,” a WHO news release states.
Setting a ‘Global Standard’
“Building on the EU’s highly successful digital certification network, WHO aims to offer all WHO Member States access to an open-source digital health tool, which is based on the principles of equity, innovation, transparency and data protection and privacy,” WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is quoted as saying.
The coronavirus pandemic taught Westerners just what this kind of language means. Programs initially touted as being crafted to increase health care opportunities are in actuality designed to tie sovereign individuals to networks that store their personal data to make sure they comply with sweeping mandates in the name of an elastic and murky “common good.” Words like “equity” or “inclusion” are always emphasized to subtly transmit the message that individual rights are secondary to the official values of the collective whole.
“With 80 countries and territories connected to the EU Digital COVID-19 Certificate, the EU has set a global standard,” European Union Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton exclaimed. “The EU certificate has not only been an important tool in our fight against the pandemic, but has also facilitated international travel and tourism. I am pleased that the WHO will build on the privacy-preserving principles and cutting-edge technology of the EU certificate to create a global tool against future pandemics.”
The COVID hysteria greatly amplified the push for digital vaccine passports in America. A February 2022 article at establishment media organ Politico gushed that even Republican-led states were getting on board with the idea. It also detailed how major corporations were partnering with respected medical organizations on the project:
“The Vaccination Credential Initiative is a consortium of health and technology companies that includes Apple, Microsoft and the Mayo Clinic. SMART Health Cards have emerged nationwide as the Biden administration has gone quiet on issuing standards for credentials after earlier saying it would work with companies to develop vaccine passport guardrails, though not issue them. About 200 million Americans are able to get SMART Health Cards, Anderson said, which can be issued by states, health systems and pharmacies like Walgreens, Walmart and CVS.”
The extensive list of “members” on the VCI website reveals the density of the effort involved in bringing digital passports to the US. Among the prominent big names to be found are Google, Humana, several universities and the state governments of California, Colorado, and New York.
Digital ID in the Great White North
Meanwhile, north of the border, leading companies are conniving in an increasingly statist Canada to further the dream of global digital ID. “Several major Canadian corporations have co-authored a plan outlining their vision towards the adoption of global digital identity – a step which they call a ‘necessary evolution’ towards digital citizenship that’s rooted in the ideals of equality and inclusion. The plan also cites the United Nations Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals,” Canadian conservative news site True North reported June 6.
“Insurers Desjardins, Beneva, as well as KPMG, Telus and Vidéotron all contributed to the creation of the Digital Identity White Paper which was published with the support of the Digital Identity Laboratory on May 25,” True North relates.
Selected quotes from the white paper are alarming.
“Most countries are moving toward digital ID. It will be implemented in tandem with governments, businesses and the public. Digital ID is a necessary evolution for society,” the paper reads. “We must educate people and raise awareness about digital citizenship in order to garner broad support for digital ID. Only then will we be able to create the best possible conditions to achieve this desirable and inevitable evolution of the way we enter into relationships with public and private organizations.”
In August 2022, the government of hardline globalist Prime Minister Justin Trudeau quietly unveiled its plan to create a digital ID database in Canada. It is instructive for Americans to note how the Trudeau government leaned heavily on the coronavirus scare campaign to urge Canadians to completely trust in and hand over their private information to the government that loves them:
“Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Canadians have increasingly worked, shopped, learned, and engaged with government online. Their expectation and need for easy to use, accessible digital options continue to grow, and many public- and private-sector organizations are transforming to use digital technologies to deliver better programs and services.
“Now more than ever, we have work to do to make it easier for Canadians to interact with the Government of Canada, and we are committed to better serving Canadians in a digital age. This will require modern, integrated systems and an unwavering focus on the needs and experience of citizens. We have made progress, but we must continue to improve.”
George Orwell would have a field day working his way through Big Brother Trudeau’s “Digital Ambition.” “A digital government puts people and their needs first,” the plan promises. “It is accountable to its citizens and shares information with them. It involves them when making policies and designing services. It values inclusion and accessibility. It designs services for the people who need them, not for the organizations that deliver them.”
Any civil libertarian worth his salt can see that it is a short hop and a skip from this to the horrific social credit system flourishing in communist China today.
It’s no surprise that deeply unpopular oligarchical Western governments are attempting to develop a file system to track the unhappy citizens in the nations they rule. But what are the peasants in the capitalist West to make of the disturbing fact that major corporations are constantly found actively and eagerly engaged in abetting the budding tyranny?
All opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Liberty Nation.
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