Is it all beginning to make sense now? The financial payments, the fired Ukrainian prosecutor, Burisma, Hunter Biden, and an impeached president. It began as something of a conspiracy theory – but, as we have learned over the past six years, conspiracy theories have a way of becoming reality, except the Trump-Russia collusion hoax, of course. When Hunter Biden’s laptop surfaced, the rumors became a reality – in fact, the vast effort to discredit the story was evidence enough that there was something there. It was something big. Now we discover from the allegations of a credible, long-serving FBI source that everything would appear to lead back to the Ukrainian energy company, the man who was fired for investigating it, and the president who was punished by the Democrats for daring to suggest it should all be looked into.
The original rumor mill had it that the Ukrainian energy company Burisma was being investigated by that country’s Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin. Burisma gave Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, a seat on the board. Not too long after that, Joe Biden traveled to Ukraine and demanded Shokin be fired, or the US would withhold loan guarantees worth about $1 billion. There had to be a connection, right? But Democrats dismissed the idea, and the establishment media, of course, either ignored or ridiculed it. Shokin was corrupt and needed to go, he wasn’t investigating Burisma, Hunter Biden is a legitimate businessman, and so on.
One day, then-President Trump called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. In the course of conversation, Trump suggested to his counterpart that he look into possible corruption involving Burisma and the Bidens.
Democrats were incensed. The rumors had been voiced on the international stage. They began impeachment proceedings against the 45th president. Of course, the Bidens could not be the focus of such a headline event, so Democrats came up with a laughable excuse that Trump had offered Zelensky a quid pro quo and that, somehow, this was a heinous crime. The Ukrainians never did open an investigation that involved the Bidens, and they still received the military hardware Democrats claimed Trump had threatened to withhold. There was no quid pro quo, then. Without a shred of evidence that Trump had committed any actual offense, Democrats steamrolled him with impeachment. Was it punishment or revenge – or both – for daring to bring up the subject of corruption possibly involving Hunter Biden and his father?
Of course, what the Democrats called quid pro quo happens all the time. The leaders of the world’s most powerful countries often take a carrot-and-stick approach to getting other countries to do their bidding. Case in point, Joe Biden pressuring the Ukrainians into firing Shokin.
Then the laptop showed up containing Hunter Biden’s emails. In one of those communications, the distribution of funds is discussed – funds flowing to Hunter and his associates. But there was also “10% for the big guy.” Reportedly, FBI records show that Mykola Zlochevsky, who owns Burisma, referred to Joe Biden as “the big guy” and that he, Zlochevsky, is in fact the previously unidentified foreign national at the other end of the alleged bribery scheme.
Fast forward to the present and to what an FBI source has alleged. If those allegations are true, we’ve come full circle and that crazy right-wing conspiracy theory is proven true. The son of a US vice president was appointed to the Burisma board of directors to buy favor. That vice president then demands the dismissal of the prosecutor who really was, in fact, investigating the company. The until now missing link was the $5 million the FBI informant claims a senior Burisma executive admitted paying to Joe Biden and to Hunter Biden. The jigsaw appears almost complete. If Trump – or any other Republican, for that matter – becomes president in 2025, perhaps the first question he or she should ask of the Justice Department is the question Joe Biden himself asked when challenged on bribery allegations: Where’s the money? There is always a trail, and if Mr. Biden was indeed bribed by Burisma, that trail can be uncovered.
All opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Liberty Nation.
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