Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest-running and most popular weekly column. Capturing the truth each week from heartlanders in flyover states, LN gives voice to the hard-working Americans otherwise ignored by the coastal elites.
Liberal policies and politics combined this week and had flyover folks popping antacids like skittles. It was a perfect storm of hitting the highest inflation rate in 40 years: although some economists had expected inflation to trickle down in May. A new problem thanks to skyrocketing prices has the police in one blue state crying “Uncle!” and one DUI forcing a police department to make a tough decision.
They Call It Bidenflation
No amount of favorable media coverage for which the current president is begging can persuade any American with a brain that the current economy is normal. Inflation is forcing folks to reevaluate their past voting choices, decide whether to eat Hamburger Helper or Ramen noodles and, in one flaming blue state, whether an emergency is worth the gas it will take to get to the crime. That state is Michigan. And two counties have now announced they have “blown through their fuel budget,” and they’ll decide on the phone if there is a real emergency on the other end of a 9-1-1 call.
Sheriff Michael Main released this statement: “Isabella County Sheriff’s Office is feeling the pain at the pump as well. We have exhausted what funds were budgeted for fuel with several months before the budget reset.” Oops. The statement continued, “I have instructed the deputies to attempt to manage whatever calls are acceptable over the phone. This would be non-in-progress calls, non-life-threatening calls, calls that do not require evidence collection or documentation.”
Elizabeth Brown in Troy, Idaho, saw the silver lining of the dark economic cloud and stated, “Well, if police depts are not going to respond to certain calls because of the price of gas, I guess we all need to arm ourselves to be safe.”
Texarkanian David Allison had a lesson for the good people in the Great Lakes State, “Michigan votes blue. Enjoy your results.”
Who Was Drunk?
It seems folks in every state of the union are drowning their poor decision-making sorrows by being waterboarded with alcohol. At least, that is the appearance that Mr. Paul Pelosi is generating after his arrest in California for driving under the influence. A court date has been set – Aug. 3 at 8:30 a.m. – though no decision has been made on whether he will face criminal charges.
So, Pelosi broke the law – it probably isn’t the first time nor the last for the 82-year-old ungodly-amount-of-millions millionaire. Pelosi apparently misjudged the road sign reading “stop” and rolled into the intersection of Walnut Lane in Napa, attempting to cross State Route 29, and was struck by a Jeep. The Porsche he was driving bore the brunt. But now, arrest records are being held close to the proverbial vest following the accident with another, sober, driver. Pelosi was removed from the accident scene and taken into custody. And then the whole shebang gets a tad foggy on whether charges were even filed.
Fox News was the outlet making the most noise, and they finally received a statement to placate the mounting fervor. Some folks don’t believe it passes the sniff test:
“The Public Records Unit (PRU) has determined the Department possesses records responsive to your request. However, the Napa County District Attorney’s Office has advised the release of records would jeopardize an ongoing investigation. As such, records are being withheld pursuant to Government Code section 6254 (f).”
There’s nothing like saying “back off” by throwing around government codes. Mike DuPree in Jasper, GA, elicited a sigh, saying, “They’ll disappear like Hillary’s emails, Epstein’s list of frequent fliers, the FBI’s texts and emails setting up the Trump-Russia hoax, the real truth about Jan. 6, and Schiff’s pay-offs.”
One Alabama man, Edwin Knowles, felt the sting of Pelosi-privilege and offered, “For Democrats, it’s not justice; it’s ‘just us.’”
Madam Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the offender’s wife, didn’t seem worried much as she threw her husband of 59 years into oncoming traffic. Instead, she released this curt missive via several layers of staff explaining: that “this private matter which occurred while she was on the East Coast” should clarify she wasn’t at fault whatsoever.