A new report highlights the ugly truth that Planned Parenthood has acquired a position of total dominance in the federal grant pipeline covering the wide-ranging umbrella of “sexual health” for kids. The nation’s leading abortion provider now serves as an aggressive promoter of graphic sex education and “gender transition” programs for children, with the federal government as a direct benefactor.
Here’s how it works.
“Congress has established at least four funding streams for sex education,” Anna Miller and Scott Yenor wrote in an eye-opening March 3 article for The Federalist. The pair co-authored a new report on the subject for The Claremont Institute aptly titled The Sex-Ed Industrial Complex.
“Both the Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) and Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) initiatives are competitive grant programs left over from the Obama era,” the authors note. “Two Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) programs, passed in the Trump administration, were originally designed to emphasize abstinence-only-until-marriage education. These four programs, housed within [the Department of] Health and Human Services, cumulatively dispensed $228 million through 243 grants between 2020 and 2023.”
With the active connivance of Democrats in Washington, DC, these programs have become a built-in supplementary federal sugar bowl for Big Abortion, Inc.
“Planned Parenthood and its affiliates dominate the grant process,” Miller and Yenor continue. “According to our study of award winners, nearly $167 million, comprising 80 percent of HHS sex education funding, went to grantees partnering with Planned Parenthood. Seventy-nine percent of successful programs used Planned Parenthood-endorsed curricula. Planned Parenthood and its affiliates won 86 percent of TPP funds, 90 percent of PREP funds, and about three-quarters of SRAE funds.”
‘Planned Parenthood Controls Entire Policymaking Process’
It’s a well-known truism that once a new government program is created, it is awfully difficult to eradicate it. Once entrenched, these operations are also ripe to be manipulated by those who control the machinery of governance as they see fit. Even if this amounts to a completely different purpose than what was originally approved.

(Photo by Whitney Hayward/Portland Portland Press Herald via Getty Images)
“Planned Parenthood… carefully controls and coordinates the entire policymaking process to promote its goal of sexual revolution,” Miller and Yenor wrote. “In Congress, it seeks riders and findings to make the funding of abstinence-only sex education more difficult; it has spearheaded the effort to favor programs that reduce sexual risk as opposed to avoiding sexual risk.”
Planned Parenthood has long relied on government grants to fuel its abortion moneymaking machine. In September 2022, PP released its 2020-21 annual report. “[T]he organization’s affiliates conducted 383,460 abortions in the fiscal year ending on June 30, 2021. This figure constitutes an 8% increase from the 354,871 it performed in the previous year, as documented in its 2019-2020 annual report,” The Christian Post reported at the time.
The number of abortions performed was not the only figure on the grow.
“Planned Parenthood reported receiving over $633 million in ‘Government Health Services Reimbursements & Grants’ for the year ending June 30, 2021, which equaled more than a third of its total revenue,” CP observed. It “received over $618 million in government reimbursements and grants the year before.”
Mutilated Kids: An Exciting New Revenue Opportunity
It may not be going too far to state that government funding is the bread-and-butter staple for Planned Parenthood’s business bottom line, which could explain the group’s ramped-up efforts on sex education. The military industrial complex model referenced in the Claremont Institute study seems appropriate. Just as the Ukraine war has proven a bonanza for US defense contractors, so too does a heavily promoted progressive crusade for young Americans’ “sexual health” line the pockets of anointed grantees.
“Across the country, schools hire Planned Parenthood or its affiliates to lead sex ed. And its reach is not insignificant. Nationally, 1.2 million students receive Planned Parenthood’s affiliate sex ed programming each year, according to the organization’s last annual report,” The Federalist reported in May 2022.

(Photo by: Michael Siluk/UCG/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Pushing “gender transitioning” for school-age children is a particularly dubious spoke of this toxic dollar-generating wheel. “Planned Parenthood has quietly been in the gender transition business since at least 2017. Today, more than a third of its offices — 239 clinics in more than 40 states — provide transgender services. And it’s not stopping there,” the conservative site detailed.
In another shared trait with the military industrial complex, Planned Parenthood greases the elected officials’ hands who feed it. Last summer, PP announced it would spend a record $50 million on the midterm elections. Across the board, the group’s political financial expenditures were significantly upped. Planned Parenthood Action Fund, the abortion goliath’s political arm, “spent over $569,000 on lobbying in just three months – the most it has ever spent during the second quarter of a year,” the Open Secrets website reported last August. “Planned Parenthood Action Fund spent over $739,000 in the first half of 2022 on federal lobbying on issues including abortion access, with about $170,000 spent in the year’s first quarter,” Open Secrets related.
It’s a neat game, and there is no reason to expect it to end soon. Entrenched elected officials give powerful organization a boatload of federal “grant” money and powerful organization funnels a healthy portion of the proceeds back to elected officials under the guise of “lobbying” in return. Escalated abortion numbers and educational agendas that warp the minds of innocent young children are the collateral damage, but everybody’s getting paid. And the Swamp rolls on.
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