A concerted effort to use local governing authority to brand a significant portion of US citizens as domestic enemies via strategic application of the dreaded word hate is making headway in Democrat-run states. It should not be laughed off as the latest woke nonsense.
Hate in the Empire State
In New York, Gov. Kathy Hochul on May 10 convened the Empire State’s first “Unity Summit.” From the heavy-handed page on the governor’s official website:
“During the Summit, [Hochul] announced an additional $25 million is available through the FY 2024 budget to support organizations serving communities at risk of hate crimes and vandalism.
State, local, and federal partners, community-based and faith leaders, and advocates shared policies, programs, and practices to build safer and stronger communities where hate has no place. Participants also presented their extensive efforts to address hate-motivated crimes, prevent the spread of violent extremism, and promote unity and reconciliation. Governor Hochul is committed to doing everything in her power to root out hate and keep New Yorkers safe.”
Former President Barack Obama’s radical attorney general Loretta Lynch gave the keynote address at the affair. Panels were devoted to addressing “hate and domestic extremism” and “restorative justice approaches.”
Gavin Newsom’s Department of Hate
As New Yorkers were busy mulling how to suppress alleged “domestic” threats, the government-stamped anti-hate apparatus was also being nurtured some 2,800 miles to the west. In California, Gov. Gavin Newsom has literally created a new Department of Hate. Officially called CA vs Hate, the effort is punctuated by the introduction of “a new multilingual statewide hotline and website that provides a safe, anonymous reporting option for victims and witnesses of hate acts.”
The language displayed by California Democrats is every bit as authoritarian as that of their New York counterparts.
“There is no place for hate in California and now more than ever we must stand united against hate and extremism,” state Attorney General Rob Bonta declared of the new venture. “By utilizing every resource possible, we will raise awareness around the staggering rise in hate crimes and proactively prevent future extremism from occurring. Every Californian deserves to feel safe in their cities and communities and those responsible must be brought to justice.”
Preventive Incarceration
This notion of preventive law enforcement is especially alarming. Progressives believe they can use the judicial process to thwart future crimes surely being contemplated by those who bear hatred in their hearts.
A 2019 article in The Detroit News highlighted a key purpose of Michigan’s hate-crime laws as propagated by Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s hardcore leftist attorney general Dana Nessel:
“Michigan’s ethnic intimidation law of 1988 makes it a two-year felony to intimidate or harass people because of their race, color, religion, gender or national origin through physical contact, property damage or threats.
Prosecutors often use the statute to seek longer sentences for individuals who also committed other lower-level crimes, Nessel said, telling lawmakers that keeping hate crime offenders under court supervision for a longer period can help prevent more serious violations.
‘What we call it in the business is basically murder prevention,’ said Nessel, a former assistant prosecutor in Wayne County.”
Read those last two paragraphs again. This truly amounts to punishing American citizens for things they have not done. Where are the so-called champions of civil liberties when it comes to extraordinarily dangerous notions of law enforcement such as this?
Now consider that California’s new hotline is not only dedicated to actual crimes committed, but also to what it terms “hate incidents.” Citizens can be reported on by their fellow citizens (and illegal aliens, of course) for the sketchiest of reasons. “A hate incident is a hostile expression or action that may be motivated by bias against another person’s actual or perceived identity(ies),” is how CA vs. Hate puts it.
Blinken’s Globalist ‘Anti-Racist Cities’
Not surprisingly, the Biden administration and the powerful globalist forces that seek to erode US national sovereignty are also all-in on using “hate” to destroy the constitutional rights of American citizens.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken traveled to Denver on April 27-28 to give the keynote address at the 2023 Cities Summit of the Americas, an event officially sponsored by his federal department. Blinken hailed the open-doors migration policies of foreign cities as role models for American towns to follow. In doing so, he also brought up something sinister:
“And thanks to the leadership of Rio de Janeiro Mayor Eduardo Paes, more than 45 cities also launched the Anti-Racist Cities Network, through which cities will share best practices for promoting equity and inclusion in our societies. Discrimination robs democracies, including ours in the United States, of the strength, the innovation, the creativity of so many of our citizens, which is exactly what we need to more effectively face the challenges of our time. And that’s why efforts like this one are really important in empowering our full populations.”
“Anti-Racist Cities.” Does it get more Orwellian than that? One major Democrat-run US city is already eager to get on board. From the official website of Houston, Texas:
“April 25, 2023 – Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner accepted a key to the city of Rio de Janeiro and voiced support for the Anti-Racist Cities Network during a cordial and productive meeting with Rio’s Mayor, the Honorable Eduardo da Costa Paes. The City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, will partner with other cities later this week to launch the Anti-Racist Cities Network, advancing municipal collaboration to help dismantle systemic, structural, and institutional racism.”
A colossal structure of thought control backed by government muscle is being erected for use against American citizens. If completed, your basic freedoms will be obliterated. And, just as with every similar campaign promulgated by the hellish regimes of Soviet and Maoist Chinese communism, it is being formulated in the name of the collective good.
All opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Liberty Nation.
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