Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest running and most popular weekly column. Capturing the truth each week from heartlanders in flyover states, LN gives voice to the hard-working Americans otherwise ignored by the coastal elites.
Big tech caught the eyes of folks in the Heartland as the Republican National Committee accused one giant platform of suppressing 22 million or so emails – but then folks in Florida sounded the alarm about salt water and electric vehicles. And, of course, the president stumbled once again after a suspenseful moment on the national stage. So, when are the midterms again?
The Emails Not Found
Flyover folk are usually a solid bunch of people raised with good manners and a sturdy work ethic. Unfortunately, those manners are what have great-grandmas rolling in their collective graves this week. After Midwesterners got wind of another potential problem with communication, the fur was flying. For those outside the middle of America, this is what sparked the foulest of furies: “Every single month, like clockwork, Google suppresses important GOTV [Get out the Vote] and fundraising emails at the end of the month, with zero explanation nor commitment from Google to resolve this issue,” RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said.
Google claimed to have no idea why emails go into spam folders. However, the tech juggernaut has been the subject of a study by North Carolina State University’s Department of Computer Science for such things during the 2020 election. The research shows that 59% more election fundraising emails for conservatives went to the spam folder during that time than for liberal candidates.
In Hammond, IN, Allen Aucoin asked: “Wasn’t Mohamed deceived by Satan disguised as an Angel of Light?” Texan Jennifer Watkins noted: “I believe it. I have received tons of Beto stuff but not a single [Abbott] stuff.” And from the red part of Illinois, Pat Dempsey nearly shouted on a social media feed: “Do it! Sue the Bs!”
EVs and Salt Water
Folks in rural areas chimed in about the dangers of salt water and electric vehicles this week as flooding from Hurricane Ian brought a whole new whammy to Floridians. Submerged Teslas and the like are the latest bogeymen hiding behind Mother Nature’s skirts. Now that the waters are receding, EVs are bringing the fire.
“There’s a ton of EVs disabled from Ian. As those batteries corrode, fires start. That’s a new challenge that our firefighters haven’t faced before. At least on this kind of scale,” said Jimmy Patronis, Florida’s chief financial officer and state fire marshal. But, of course, there was a video attached to the tweet, and others could be heard saying they had already put “1,500 gallons of water on this, and it’s still going.” Someone else chimed in that the car would burn for days.
One Cornhusker, Joe Peterson, commented: “Help, I’m on fire. Being green hurts soo good.” But Charles Boyle, in Clinton, MO, reminded us: “And when on fire, they put off ORGANIC GREEN SMOKE that’s friendly to the environment.” Next, you will surely hear one of the activist media talking heads pick up on Boyle’s sarcastic line and call it the truth.
Foot-in-Mouth, We Hope
Heartlanders love the president and offer their condolences on the foot-in-mouth disease – no, not the childhood ailment resulting in fever, rash, and mouth sores, but the president’s propensity to put his own foot firmly in his mouth. Midwesterners all hope this is the case with President Biden, as most other possible diagnoses would spell disaster for the leader of the free world.
Or maybe he is just losing a step or three here and there. The latest sign for potential alarm occurred while giving a speech at Volvo Group Powertrain Operations in Hagerstown, MD. “Let me start off with two words — Made in America,” he said repeatedly. The audience likely said the phrase while ticking off the words with the thumb and first two fingers. Unfortunately, the math did not add up just right.
In Elizabethton, TN, Richard Wagner reminded the patriots: “He also said jobs is a three-letter word.” And although a lot of four-letter words were used in the comments section, we won’t add to our ancestors’ disappointment in our lack of manners this week.