As evidence of a pervasive assault on historical and foundational American values, Liberty Nation reported on the Biden administration’s continuous indoctrination of West Point cadets in Critical Race Theory (CRT). Now it appears the military academies won’t have to spend time imbuing cadets with CRT propaganda. Instead, first-year entrants at elite military academies and colleges will arrive pre-indoctrinated. Having young men and women on whom the nation will depend for security believing the US is systemically racist will make turning out dedicated military officers and leaders a challenge. Nonetheless, the Biden administration seems hell-bent on corrupting the bedrock of national security – military service members.
Odds become better than even that “elementary and secondary school students in the fields of civics and history” will be that poisoned seed corn if Senate bill S.4384 called “Civics Secures Democracy Act” (CSDA) becomes law. “States desperate to tap into the federal gravy train will have to tailor their civics and history grant proposals to the Biden administration’s liking. And abundant evidence shows that Biden’s Education Department is pushing CRT,” Stanley Kurtz warned in National Review. There is no lack of evidence that Kurtz’s cautionary words are warranted.
What may seem like a good initiative to bring a foundational understanding of US history and civics back into the classrooms, CSDA turns out to be liberal progressives’ trap to push their agenda. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) and Representative Tom Cole (R-OK), along with Senators William Cassidy (R-LA) and James Inhofe (R-OK), have taken the bait and affixed their names to the bill. Keywords in the CSDA and prominent in Biden’s executive order signed on January 20, 2021, entitled “Executive Order On Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government,” can be found in CSDA. Particularly prominent in the CSDA is the word “underserved,” as in, for a state to be eligible for the pot of grant money the CSDA is offering, a state grant request must include “Plans to address civics and history achievement gaps among the traditionally underserved students.” If CRT becomes a core curriculum in America’s schools, 100% of students will be “underserved.”
“I was shocked to discover that some Republicans had cosponsored a truly radical, so-called civics bill designed to force every public school to teach racist leftwing propaganda,” Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the House of Representatives, declared in his newsletter Gingrich360. “The question I have is: How could anyone possibly believe the Biden administration would permit accurate teaching of an honest account of American history.”
To Gingrich’s point, the CSDA is consistent with radical thinking supporting its tenets. Typical of the intellectually bankrupt points of view centered in CRT and what would be the result if CSDA passed is the Biden administration-endorsed Abolitionist Teaching Network’s “Guide for Racial Justice & Abolitionist Social and Emotional Learning” handbook. “The Abolitionist Teaching Network’s guide also lists abolitionist teachers’ ‘demands,’ which include ‘[f]ree, antiracist therapy for White educators and support staff, ‘” explained Ethan Barton in a Fox News article. If you thought the concept of “antiracist therapy for White educators and support staff” sounds like communist re-education camps in China and Vietnam, you’d be right. The idea of re-educating white teachers and support staff so they can be “released back into society” sounds frighteningly like the fate of Winston in George Orwell’s 1984
Governor Ron DeSantis has fired the first shot on the political front in what should be a war against radical CRT propaganda in our schools. “While the Biden administration is seeking to award grants to indoctrinate students with ideologies like Critical Race Theory, in Florida, we have focused on civics excellence, teaching accurate American history without an ideological agenda,” DeSantis said in a press release. “Our students and teachers have worked hard to elevate their Civics Excellence and are proving to the nation that Florida is the national model for cultivating great citizens,” the governor continued.
America looks to young men and women steeped in the values and history that made the United States great to establish a country secure in its defense. With its all-of-government attack on our history and values, the Biden administration seeks to minimize if not destroy that greatness. An accurately educated citizenry will act as a bulwark against invidious and divisive notions like CRT. As a result, young people will be prepared to serve effectively in our country’s armed forces and know why they are serving. They can’t all come from Florida.
The views expressed are those of the author and not of any other affiliation.