Joe Biden (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
The president of the United States travels to Buffalo, NY, today (May 17) “to grieve with the community that lost ten lives in a senseless and horrific mass shooting” this past weekend, according to a White House statement. It is sad business indeed. But make no mistake, Joe Biden’s appearance is a big, bold political statement, and showing up in Buffalo allows him to lean in to two of the left’s favorite subjects: race and guns.
Early indications are that 18-year-old Payton Gendron’s violent actions were racially motivated, based on disturbing statements made to law enforcement following his arrest. As well, there seems to be some type of racist screed labeled as a “manifesto” being investigated by law enforcement. ‘Tis a wretched tale for certain, but what is the point of a presidential visit?
On Sunday, May 15, a gunman opened fire in a Southern California Presbyterian church. One person was killed and five were wounded at the house of worship, where the congregants captured the perpetrator and hogtied him until the police arrived. A presidential visit would certainly highlight such acts of heroism, but that won’t happen because there simply is not enough political capital to be garnered. Thus, it should come as no surprise that Air Force One will not be touching down in the Golden State to empathize with victims there.
Why use the presidential bully pulpit to talk about the courage of Americans when one can throw the spotlight on random acts of evil perpetrated by a deranged teenager?
Chances are good to excellent that Mr. Biden will use the presidential microphone in Buffalo to rail against “hate” crimes and say more stupid things about guns, as is his wont. Buffalo is an ideal political platform for Biden & Company to push the narrative that America is a racist country with too many firearms. But there are plenty of significant places that the president has yet to visit during his tenure in office.
Meanwhile, Down at the Border
A record 557 migrant deaths have been tallied under the leadership of Mr. Biden. This from a man who has repeatedly virtue-signaled his unparalleled compassion. Meanwhile, “the US experienced roughly one overdose death every five minutes, equating to 107,000 Americans,” resulting from the Biden administration’s lax border policies. In response, “The White House issued a statement calling the numbers ‘unacceptable,’” according to Liberty Nation’s National Correspondent Sarah Cowgill. But apparently not unacceptable enough to warrant a presidential excursion.

(Photo by Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images)
To date, Mr. Biden has yet to visit the U.S.-Mexico border.
Research conducted by Liberty Nation shows 46 has traveled to several events to stress the importance of race and gun control. On June 1, 2021, he trekked to Oklahoma to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre. On Jan. 11, 2022, the president and vice president visited the crypt of Martin Luther King, Jr., where they participated in a wreath-laying ceremony.
On Feb. 3, he journeyed to NYPD headquarters in Manhattan for a meeting on gun violence strategies, where he made false claims against those who make firearms. Even the fact-checkers pounced on Mr. Biden’s statements when he incorrectly claimed that gun manufacturers are “the only industry in America that is exempted from being able to be sued by the public.”
One wonders what bizarre “facts” the president will utter in Buffalo or what virtuous leftist narrative he will spin about race and guns. If this trip were about spreading empathy and compassion in the face of senseless violence instead of political pandering to his base, his plane would have scheduled two stops.
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