After two years in the White House, staffers are starting to tattle on the man who apparently treats his underlings as if they are something stuck to the bottom of his wing-tip shoes. President Joe Biden has been ridiculed for his many gaffes, but until now, most employees have been mum about his short fuse. Most often, the president has been portrayed in the media as “Scranton Joe” – a folksy act designed to appeal to the American middle class along with a kindly, genteel grandfather character. But it appears something not so come hither and friendly is at work beneath the surface. At least that’s what those who work for him are saying.
But why now? The media and the administration have been sweeping Joe’s behavior and cognitive decline under the rug primarily by invoking former President Donald Trump’s ongoing troubles. The “but what about” strategy has been in play for three years, and it has worked well.
Across all bias lines, the Biden outbursts are getting the attention they deserve. Americans cringed as then-candidate Biden asked a constituent to “step outside” or called another a “lying dog-faced pony soldier.” Other favorite moments on the campaign trail indicated there may be a hot temper under his down-home demeanor, for example: “You’re a damn liar,” he told an African American interviewer. “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” The man has insulted every race, creed, color, and beyond. And people closest to the president – except family, apparently – are tired of the ever-present tirades.
Now, staffers in the West Wing are spilling their woes. One left-wing outlet ran the headline: “Old Yeller: Biden’s Private Fury.” In the article, Axios lets the reader know sources are filling in the erratic details:
“The president’s admonitions include: ‘God dammit, how the f**k don’t you know this?!,’ ‘Don’t f**king bullsh*t me!’ and ‘Get the f**k out of here!’ — according to current and former Biden aides who have witnessed and been on the receiving end of such outbursts.”
Staffers are now employing the buddy system when called in to brief the Cranky-in-Chief. Still, other activist media sites reporting the news are trying to spin it as a positive attribute.
But is it a forewarning?
Biden Cognitive Debate
Radical left outlet The Atlantic recently ran an opinion piece by former President George W. Bush appointee Eliot Cohen. With hatred directed at Trump in the first paragraph and praise for Joe as savior of the Soul of the Nation, Cohen simply stated: “Step aside, Joe Biden. The president has no business running for office at age 80.”
Critics who believe Biden’s cognitive decline has been rapid under the glare of the spotlight have continually asked for a Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). That gets a resounding “no” from the Oval Office. But just being elderly doesn’t mean you are a candidate for dementia. The Mayo Clinic has a list of symptoms to look for:
”Problems communicating or finding words; Trouble with visual and spatial abilities, such as getting lost; Poor coordination and control of movements; Confusion and disorientation.”
Check, check, check, and check.
Other indicators, a tad vague, include inappropriate behavior (but he’s done that forever), personality changes, and agitation.
Saving Face
The Democrats and some Republicans shoved Joe Biden into an office he was ill-prepared to do justice to – just to remove the threat of Trump. But two and a half years in, what? Is it age, his closest confidants, or incompetence that has the sycophantic media and Democratic leaders searching for a way out of the self-created hot mess that is today’s America?
“God Save the Queen, man.”
All opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Liberty Nation.
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