It did not go unnoticed that the indictment of former President Donald Trump coincided perfectly with the Republican-led House Oversight Committee’s acquisition of a document that contains a detailed allegation of a bribery scheme involving Joe Biden. The left-wing media, the Biden administration – and, before that, the 2020 Biden presidential campaign – and the Department of Justice have colluded for more than two years to cover up the Biden family’s shady financial dealings with various foreign entities. That, at least, is how a growing number of Americans are seeing it. If none of that is true, then both Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland should now be firing droves of aides and officials for gross incompetence. After all, if there is no Biden bribery scandal and no wrongdoing, an awful lot of people put a great deal of effort into creating the false impression that something really bad has been kept from the American people.
So, is the saga of Hunter Biden just a nothingburger that has been handled abysmally, or is this the real deal – the nefarious dealings of a one-family kleptocracy being swept under the rug for political reasons? Logic, reason, and a preponderance of evidence tells us it is the latter.
When it comes to dealing with the nation as a whole, Democrats have rather successfully followed the old strategy of divide and conquer. The Biden administration appears to have forgotten this approach, however, as it deals with its critics on the political right.
When the Department of Justice jumped the shark with a seemingly premature indictment of former President Donald Trump, it united Trump’s supporters and critics on the right in some common beliefs. Whatever their differences on policy or personality, establishment GOPers, populist Republicans, MAGA supporters, and those who believe it’s time to leave the Trump era behind are all now in agreement on a few very consequential matters.
The first is a belief that there exists in the US one system of justice for Democrats and the wider left and another system for conservatives and Republicans, particularly Trump and his supporters. To the latter group, it now seems clear that such terms as blind justice, reasonable doubt, and due process do not apply.
The second is the unavoidable suspicion that the Biden administration is determined to do whatever is necessary to ensure that Trump will not be able to campaign again for the White House. So much for democracy.
The third belief now uniting pretty much everyone on the right – Trump backers and establishment types alike – is that the DOJ will not seriously investigate any allegations of corruption leveled against the Bidens, no matter how much evidence there is. Meanwhile, it relentlessly pursues Joe Biden’s most likely (at this point) election opponent. If the DOJ had any intention of demonstrating its apolitical, fair, and objective dedication to upholding the law, it has chosen a rather bizarre way of going about it.
Biden Bribery Allegations Revealed
Most of the media is busy foaming at the mouth over the indictment of Trump on charges related to his supposed mishandling of government documents. They are either jubilant, if they are on the left side of the political divide, or horrified if they cleave to the right. But the big story – the 600-pound gorilla riding the elephant into the room – is that document outlining a Biden bribery operation that the FBI finally and grudgingly handed over to congressional Republicans. It contains information provided by an FBI confidential human source and, from what has been revealed so far, it is highly incriminating, to say the least.
Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia held a small snap press briefing on June 8 after she had viewed the document in a sensitive compartmented information facility, or SCIF, on Capitol Hill. According to her account, the Ukrainian energy company Burisma was being investigated by that country’s top prosecutor and hired Hunter Biden, the son of then-Vice President Joe Biden, to “make the problems go away.”
Of note is the fact that the FBI source who provided this information was not imparting second-hand rumors. He or she is in fact a business professional who directly advised Burisma at the time. The source was told that the company had paid two Biden family members $5 million each as part of a bribe to get Viktor Shokin, then Ukraine’s top prosecutor, removed to kill the investigation into the company.
A short time later, Joe Biden traveled to Ukraine and pressured officials into firing Shokin by threatening to withhold US loan guarantees. This is something of which Biden seemed quite proud, as he later bragged about it while speaking at a conference.
According to Greene, the FBI informant was also told that Burisma had evidence of payments intended directly for Joe and Hunter Biden.
On the one hand, a former president retained previously classified documents when he left office. There is no way of knowing which other presidents did the same because none have ever had their homes raided or been prosecuted for such a thing. On the other hand, a former vice president and current chief executive appears to have been paid by a foreign company to quash an investigation into that company – something he subsequently did. The latter affair has been largely concealed from the American public since at least 2020.
The case of the allegedly mishandled documents is being very publicly prosecuted as the presidential primary election campaigns kick off. News of the Bidens’ financial gymnastics, by contrast, was vehemently dismissed as Russian disinformation during the 2020 election campaign. Even now, Democrats and their loyal media outlets are either ignoring the Biden bribery scandal or claiming it’s all made up.
Which is more serious? Which is more potentially dangerous for America’s immediate future: a possible next president who decided to keep some documents and souvenirs from his time in office or a possible next president who takes bribes from foreign countries to influence US foreign policy? Now that the Biden family’s alleged crimes have been made public, American voters must answer those questions for themselves.
All opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Liberty Nation.
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