Bernie Sanders is back, and he’s hopping mad. The twice-failed Democratic presidential candidate is angry, and he wants you to be as well. The senator from Vermont is coming out with a brand spanking new book to bolster the $1.7 million he has made from other book sales over his lengthy career of being the Senate’s crotchety old socialist curmudgeon.
Sanders is so furious about capitalism that he has decided to use capitalism to tell everyone how horrible capitalism is. The book, titled “It’s Okay to Be Angry About Capitalism,” is set to be released on Feb. 28 and is expected to rehash the lawmaker’s typical diatribes on why the government should provide for all our needs. Could this be the harbinger of yet another presidential run for the lawmaker? Or is this just another way for Sanders to remain rich and relevant?
Bernie Sanders and the Questionable Crusade Against Capitalism
According to Amazon, Sanders’ book is “a progressive takedown of the uber-capitalist status quo that has enriched millionaires and billionaires at the expense of the working class and a blueprint for what transformational change would actually look like.”
In the book, the senator “takes on the billionaire class and speaks blunt truths about our country’s failures to address the destructive nature of a system that is fueled by uncontrolled greed and rigidly committed to prioritizing corporate profits over the needs of ordinary Americans.”
It is not yet clear whether Sanders will discuss his own “uncontrolled greed” in using this product to amass even more wealth in his book, but those hoping for such self-reflection will likely be disappointed. And how much will consumers come out of pocket for this latest treatise against free markets? The list price is $28, which young acolytes of the lawmaker will gladly shell out to read about why more government is the necessary remedy to solve the evils capitalism has wrought.
But wait, there’s more!
In addition to selling a new book, Bernie Sanders is also holding an event in Washington, DC, to promote it – and charging $95 a head so attendees can hear him prattle incessantly about wealth redistribution. That’s right. For almost $100, you too can watch the senator tell you why the government is the best answer to all of your problems.
Hypocrisy Much?
As you might have already guessed, this development has elicited mockery from critics of the lawmaker, who point out the glaring hypocrisy of using capitalism to preach against capitalism. Fox News’ Dana Perino, during a Wednesday appearance on The Five, said Sanders is a “walking advertisement for why the left is full of crap.”
“This is ridiculous. Do you remember when Hillary was going after him and they had that ad about millionaires and billionaires, and then they changed it to just billionaires? Why did they do that? Because Bernie became a millionaire and he could no longer [keep] saying that. It’s just crazy,” Perino reminded the audience.
Co-host Judge Jeanine Pirro hit the nail on the head when she pointed out that people being paid minimum wage would “literally have to work the whole day to pay to watch him give his speech.”

Bernie Sanders (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
But even more egregious is the fact that Sanders, who positioned himself as the geriatric crusader against free market capitalism, didn’t seem quite as angry about capitalism when he ran for president in 2020. His campaign received hundreds of thousands of dollars from mega-corporations like Apple, Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft.
But Sen. Sanders is not the only socialist who has engaged in this type of brazen hypocrisy. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), a Sanders disciple and an ardent Maven of Marxism, has also exploited free market ideals to promote her brand of left-wing authoritarianism. Remember when she was slinging $58 sweatshirts emblazoned with the slogan, “Tax the Rich,” and $27 T-shirts that said, “Drink Water & Don’t Be A Racist?”
It was quite a lucrative move for her 2022 campaign.
Perhaps those claiming to espouse the tenets of Marxism doth protest too much? The fact that Sanders, who owns at least three homes and is worth about $3 million, can be so blatant with his hypocrisy certainly seems to indicate that those on the hard left might not believe their own claptrap. For folks who are supposedly so “angry about capitalism,” Sanders and his ilk are more than happy to embrace those ideas when it suits their purposes.
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