Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest running and most popular weekly column. Capturing the truth each week from heartlanders in flyover states, LN gives voice to the hard-working Americans otherwise ignored by the coastal elites.
Heartlanders have a common sense about them that few Swamp elites can fathom. This political demographic may be folksy and polite, but stupid is not a standard handicap for those who work in the factory or on the farm or ranch, praise God, and raise kids with manners. The current administration couldn’t care less about the voters in Middle America, of course, and that could be their biggest mistake for 2024.
Stupid Is as Stupid Does
Most Americans are not so dumb as to believe that the elite US Secret Service, in the most protected residence in the world, can’t identify the cocaine in the cubby culprit. So, when the notorious GILGO Beach serial killer in Suffolk County, New York, was caught by DNA left on a pizza crust thrown into a contaminated trash can, the eye rolls stretched from the Rockies to the Appalachians.
Jane L. Stroede, who resides in the lovely Wisconsin Dells, spoke for the rest of America when she commented: ‘So they can match a hair that has been out in the weather to a pizza crust but not the cocaine baggy in most surveilled situation room entrance in White House? We are being fully mocked.”
Biden’s America Called Up for War
On Thursday, President Joe Biden issued an executive order to call reservists on active duty “for the effective conduct” of US military support to Ukraine. America hasn’t been out of the Middle East all that long, and the possibility that we’ll enter yet another skirmish – especially one where lives are lost for no good reason – doesn’t sit well with Republicans or Democrats.
In Manitou Beach, MI, Robert Kandler responded to the news with: “Another war… go figure! We gotta fight for a crooked, corrupt country so that we can be poorer.”
“And the disgusting msm all screamed that DJT was going to get our Country into WWIII,” wrote Mike O’Keefe in Willowbrook, IL. “Now they are all silent on China Joe’s antics.”
Teeto Tee in Chicago, who also wasn’t pleased, added: “President Biden’s decision to deploy troops is driven by personal gain to profit from the sacrifices made by the blood of teen soldiers. This is a blatant display of self-interest, and the public are powerless to stop it.”
The Nibbler-in-Chief
Pantomiming the gobbling of one child’s body as said kid recoiled in horror is just the latest in the pattern of weird behavior from the current president of the US. It happened so fast on his last day in Finland after the much-hyped NATO trip abroad. Biden kept moving in, making “nom nom nom” sounds, as the mom videoed the encounter. More eyes rolled across the prairies and the plains.
“Can’t acknowledge his own grandchild. Can’t keep his mouth off other people’s grandchildren,” Gerry Callahan tweeted. “Seriously, if this were a stranger at the playground, you’d pin him to the ground till the police arrived. The Leader of the Free World is Herbert the Pervert. What a disgrace.”
Miaka Yuuki upped the ante in Colorado Springs. “President or not, slapping the mess out of his face for this would be worth the secret service response.” Lisa Marie said, “It would’ve been the last time he opened his jaw to eat or speak if that was my kid.”
But it was in Big Fork, MT, where Kristy Pancoast asked the million-dollar question: “Why does anyone let this creep anywhere near their children?”
Politics Gives People Gas in America
Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. found himself in the middle of the wildest political event to date in the 2024 presidential primaries. It was set in the tony environs of the Upper East Side and hosted by, well, according to Page Six, “apparently drunk gossip columnist-turned-flack Doug Dechert.”
Dechert had invited lots of press to get a clearer picture of the candidate. RFK, Jr. was asked a question about climate change, and all things normal turned upsidedown. Dechert went nuts. He screamed: “The climate hoax,” and may have awakened his octogenarian pal, art-critic Anthony Haden-West, from a lovely nap. Haden-West snapped, calling his pal a “miserable blob.”
It was game on, candidate forgotten. The two men traded volleys back and forth while the press gleefully videoed the entire skirmish. Perhaps this exchange from Haden-West really turned things stinky: Dechert was indeed “f–king insane” and “insignificant.”
That did it. Dechert decided to pass gas and let her rip: a prolonged bout of flatulence while yelling the obvious, “I’m farting!” What the heck? Or, as Robin Constantineau Theis in Portage, WI, wondered: “Are these really grown men?”
But the gaslighting continued: Dechert told the stunned Page Six reporter, “I apologize for using my flatulence as a medium of public commentary in your presence.” And followed with a request to refer to him in print as a “gallivanting boulevardier” or a “beer-fueled sex rocket.”
To his credit, RFK Jr. sat calmly until the hullaballoo burned itself out from exhaustion and then continued to answer questions.
All opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Liberty Nation.
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