Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest-running and most popular weekly column. Capturing the truth each week from heartlanders in flyover states, LN gives voice to the hard-working Americans otherwise ignored by the coastal elites.
Heartlanders watched and winced as Republican hopefuls for the land’s highest office began tearing each other down. Some believe these are the first of several sacrificial lambs leading up to what is certain to be a hotly contested GOP presidential primary between those left standing who are strong enough to compete on a vigorous campaign trail. Meanwhile, Democrats can’t seem to decide if it’s time to fish or cut bait with the current leaders of their party.
The Republican Rumble Begins
Armchair political generals have been discussing Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis as leading contenders to retake the power of the presidential office. No one has been paying that much attention to other Republicans dropping big hints in random media outlets. Former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, with a wink and a nod, told Fox News that it was time for new leaders to emerge. “You first look at does the current situation push for new leadership,” Haley said. “The second question is, am I that person who could be that new leader? Yes, we need to go in a new direction. Can I be that leader? Yes, I think I can be that leader.”
A non-announcement announcement if there ever was one. In Lookout Mountain, GA, Sylbia Teeters also had an idea: “Candace Owens would be better.”
And then we have Mike Pompeo, the former secretary of state, bad-mouthing Haley in his memoir, accusing her of colluding with Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump to be named the Donald’s vice president. Haley, who is no naïve ingenue in global circles, retorted, “I don’t know why he said it, but that’s exactly why I stayed out of DC as much as possible, to get away from the drama.”
Pompeo also downgrades her UN position as “a job that is far less important than people think,” followed by flat-out calling her a quitter. The book scheduled for imminent release, Never Give an Inch: Fighting for the America I Love, swipes at many folks attached to Trump. Pompeo writes that former National Security Advisor John Bolton should “be in jail for spilling classified information.” The topic du Jour on the national political stage. Bolton has also dipped his toe in the presidential campaign waters.
Some folks, like David Eby from Ohio, support Pompeo: “Backstabber RINO Haley can take a hike! Pompeo was the most admired person who worked for Donald Trump. Hope Pompeo is Trump’s VP pick this time around.”
Heartlanders are not ready to listen to the name-calling and bickering sure to come once the primary season has more than one declared candidate in Trump. But when the next hopeful declares – rather than hints – the floodgates will open, and the waves will be intense.
Democrats Stand at the Abyss
President Joe Biden has lost the favor of nearly every demographic in this country. While state and local representation remain steady, it appears that no one wants a Biden/Harris ticket, come 2024. Well, now what? The media is begrudgingly reporting the news about the stash of classified documents left in Biden’s old office and Delaware garage – and now the DOJ search of his home to seize even more – and trying to wipe the sticky egg off their collective faces. It’s embarrassing to have Republicans chortle and cry foul at the hypocrisy being uncovered one box, envelope, or laptop at a time.
How will the media and the Democratic Party handle a man who seems to be in a fog? First, Pete Buttigieg’s name was floating about as an heir apparent that could check a box or two, and then the Southwest Airlines Christmas crisis saw his untimely exit from favorable status. So, when even famed political strategist James Carville can’t spin a line for Joe Biden, it’s time to start the engine on the Corvette in the garage and take a relaxing spin about the countryside.
But who will rise as a phoenix from the burning ashes? Flyover folks don’t much care. Their sights are set on anyone in the Republican Party that can win and relieve the nation of the last election outcome. As one patriot in a deep purple state said: “Can we please draft a man or woman who can put this country first and not be a flashpoint for rancor and recession?”
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