You can count her down, but it would never be wise to count her out. Twice-failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams appears to have landed on her feet after being defeated yet again by Gov. Brian Kemp in last year’s election to lead the Peach State. While the Democratic darling took a significant political hit with her latest loss, she now has a new gig. Abrams has reportedly procured a cushy position at a leftist dark money group involved in the questionable crusade against gas stoves.
Stacey Abrams Gets a New Job
It seems Abrams will be doing legal work with Rewiring America, an environmental advocacy organization that has spearheaded the effort to ban gas stoves. The group announced on Tuesday that the former candidate will be joining the team as senior counsel to help the outfit “launch and scale a national awareness campaign and a network of large and small communities working to help Americans go electric.”
For her part, Abrams appears thrilled at the opportunity to slay the gas stove dragon and move the nation into a more electrified society.
“I’m excited to join Rewiring America to share the benefits of electrification and ensure families get their fair share,” she said. “I look forward to working together as we build the tools that will transform everyday Americans from energy consumers to energy moguls in their own communities.”
The Washington Examiner explained:
“Rewiring America is a project of the Windward Fund, an environmental group managed by Arabella Advisors, the largest Democratic-linked dark money network in the United States, according to public records. This arrangement allows Rewiring America not to file tax forms with the IRS, though records show that it received roughly $300,000 in 2020 from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, a social justice group run by the powerful Rockefeller Family.”
Some of the group’s research has been criticized after one associate co-authored a study concluding that gas stoves are possibly related to childhood asthma. A commissioner of the Consumer Product Safety Commission announced in January that it was mulling the prospect of imposing a ban on gas stoves, which quickly became the subject of debate, derision, and hilarious memes. The Biden administration – after an initial bout of enthusiasm – later let the issue drop.
Still, the organization remains intent on moving the United States away from fossil fuels.
“Rewiring America is working to make people aware of how induction stoves, EVs, heat pumps, and other electric appliances are cheaper to operate and healthier — and that there are thousands of dollars of rebates and tax incentives to help folks afford these upgrades” Alex Amend, a spokesman for Rewiring America, explained.
Why the New Digs?
Anyone familiar with Abrams’ journey – and the scandals associated with it – might raise an eyebrow at the timing of the news. The former candidate’s latest career choice comes as New Georgia Project, a voting rights nonprofit she founded, is under investigation by the secretary of state for “financial irregularities.” A report from Washington Free Beacon noted that New Georgia Project disclosed a $533,000 consulting payment in 2021 to the Black Males Initiative, which claims it did not receive any funding from Abrams’ organization.
The voting rights group also fell under scrutiny when it was revealed that, in addition to launching ill-fated lawsuits against the state of Georgia using donor funding, it was also making massive payments to a law firm owned by one of Abrams’ college friends.
If that weren’t damning enough, Abrams’ group also raked in about $500,000 in COVID-19 bailout money in 2020 despite having increased its donations by “tens of millions of dollars,” according to Fox News, which found that the group “was far from struggling and finished that year in its best financial shape since its inception six years prior.”
The New Georgia Project has also expressed support for Antifa protesters opposing the creation of a police training center near Atlanta. The black-clad demonstrators recently attacked the site using firebombs and other incendiary devices. One of those arrested for the vandalism was a lawyer working with the Southern Poverty Law Center, a far-leftist group that pushes a progressive agenda under the guise of advocating for civil rights.
It seems Abrams’ new gig is more than just a clever way to remain relevant in the political space; it also gives her a chance to lie low as the fallout from her organization continues to get media attention. Perhaps it is a decent place to hide out until the situation blows over, allowing her to plan yet another bid for Georgia’s governor’s mansion.
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