Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest running and most popular weekly column. Capturing the truth each week from heartlanders in flyover states, LN gives voice to the hard-working Americans otherwise ignored by the coastal elites.
Heartlanders survived another week with the nuttiest administration they believe this nation has ever had. They chewed the fat on Hunter’s sweetheart deal and another drag-queen debacle involving children, and they marveled at the rise of JFK, Jr., which is surprising to no one whatsoever after two-plus years of the Biden Bunch. Oh, and the president forgot he wasn’t an Indian.
Hunter Biden Is Exhausting
First kids do tend to go off the rails under the public spotlight. Amy Carter was arrested four times for protesting Apartheid and CIA college campus recruitment. Quentin Roosevelt and his buddies, including Vice President Taft’s son and the children of other notables, carved a baseball diamond on the lawn, shot spitwads at the portrait of Andrew Jackson, and roller skated the halls of the White House with snakes around his arms. Roosevelt once relayed to the Grey Lady that his son rolled into a meeting with Attorney General Bonaparte, who “hurriedly ascended the back of his chair.” Ah, just Hijinx, don’t you know.
Hunter Biden is chronologically a full-grown adult at age 53, but his brain seems to live in the early 1980s. His audacious behavior has long been a disgusting talking point for the good folks in flyover states. Still, the criminal aspect of his dealings, coming to light only for the man to get a scolding and a slap on the wrist, wasn’t handled the way Heartlanders would have hoped.
Janet Orr of West Salem, OH, advised: “We all know how the LAWLESS Leftist’s game is played by now!” And Dan Pritchett of Dallas nearly spat this comment: “Sick. Deviate. Just like his old man.” In Belvidere, IL, Michelle Daniel elaborated: “Porn, sex with minors, money laundering, not paying taxes on millionaires, lying on a gun app, using crack and hookers … no crimes here. Move along.”
As Liberty Nation reports, “Hunter Biden had reached a plea deal related to tax evasion and an illegal handgun charge.” Indeed, just move along, America.
Time to Push Back
Well, this is no surprise, given the current social climate. According to first responders in Boston, they were called for a medical emergency – a cardiac arrest – and someone was in dire need of medical attention. The address was the Mary Ellen McCormack Housing complex, run by the city.
“The apartment was in extremely unsanitary conditions. Approximately six adults, who appeared to be males, were seen in the apartment,” the incident report read. Not all that problematic – until we get to the “four children in the back bedroom being hidden by an adult male from first responders.”
What on God’s green earth? “All adults present denied having children inside the apartment,” the report expounded. The men, dressed like women, were said to be “uncooperative.”
At-Large City Councilor Michael Flaherty passed his intel to reporters: “I was informed by people at the scene that there were drugs, alcohol, sex toys all around the apartment as well as a dead body on the floor.” And there were four kids; don’t forget the kids.
Las Vegas was paying attention. “It’s ok everybody because it was a family-friendly Drag Drug Party,” James Ramirez reminded us, while Patricia Patterson in Helena, MT, said: “And now we know why democrats are so enthralled with drag queens.”
The RFK Effect
The Economist and YouGov released a poll last week with a pronouncement that sent shivers down a few hardcore right and left-leaning voters: “RFK Jr has higher favorability numbers than either President Joe Biden or former President Donald Trump.” Biden and Trump registered negative numbers on the scale, -9 for the president and -10 for number 45.
Kennedy has a few friends in high places: Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, Social Capital founder Chamath Palihapitiya, and venture capitalist David Sacks, to name a few. It’s rumored Elon Musk likes the guy as well. And the common man? Yeah, he’s well-liked on both sides of the political chasm by folks who want a centrist in the race. Richard Saxton, in Gillette, WY, is one of those Heartlanders. “Count me as a Republican supporting RFK Jr.,” Saxton said. “He won’t get support from the DNC; it has to be from everyday people that don’t like what is happening now.”
Then there’s this guy in the Rocky Mountains, Bill Lentz, who resonated with, well, lots of folks:
“People, please stop all this Democrat and Republican fighting. We have a senile, lifelong politician who should be home playing with his grandkids. We certainly don’t need Trump again, with all the hate and division he brings to the table. People, we have to pull together and get RFK Jr. elected. Who gives a darn what party you belong to?”
And then Lentz drove his point home: “We are Americans, not Democrats or Republicans. We’ve got to stop all this hate, or we will all lose. A country divided cannot stand. Please, people.”
Election 2024 seems set to be, in flyover-speak, an absolute corker!
Uh, Joe?
Everyone saw it: Another awkward moment in the presidency of Joe Biden. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi came for a visit on Thursday, and during the ceremonial playing of the Indian national anthem, Joe placed his hand on his heart. It took several excruciating seconds of confusion as the president had a lightbulb moment and ever-so-slowly eased his hand down along his torso in a near caress. Joe forgot he’s not an Indian. In Medina, OH, Timothy Reese said it best: “God Save the Queen.”
All opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Liberty Nation.
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