Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest running and most popular weekly column. Capturing the truth each week from heartlanders in flyover states, LN gives voice to the hard-working Americans otherwise ignored by the coastal elites.
The Durham Report echoes throughout the Heartland as the big box media scrambles to find flaws in the tome and politicians prepare to pander to the findings. Meanwhile, there’s more fallout at Fox News as an entire department is handed pink slips, and the Biden campaign simply asks for more time to finish the job. The regular Jills and Joes in the heartland covered the highs and lows of the past week, and the Swamp should take note.
The Durham Report
On the heels of the Durham Report, vindicating the former president, Republican officials took to the airwaves and internet to discuss what should happen next. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) spoke with Fox News host Will Cain and emphatically stated the FBI should be “defanged and defunded” and run out of DC posthaste.
“We don’t throw people in jail in Congress. That’s probably for good reason,” Gaetz said. “Much of what you heard today is that there are good FBI agents and analysts all around this country, and there is pressure out of the Washington Field Office to do things that are against the law and the Constitution.”
Don Poer of Alabama agreed: “No matter what ‘side’ you profess…he is absolutely right…the corruption is rampant.” Steve Dority, in Cary, IL, added: “We have to take back our country. The government does not adhere to the constitution. It has become too large and almost untouchable. It’s not for the people anymore.”
On a roll, Gaetz pulled no punches: “So it’s easier for them to torture Garrett O’Boyle, to leave his children without jackets in a cold winter, to leave Steve Friend without an ability to make an income. It’s easier to do that than them to face the consequences of the corruption that they have allowed to seep into an agency that seems to have sown more evil than they have rooted out.”
In Denver, Robert DeBrot gave the nod to Gaetz. “Agreed and so many other important government institutions must be removed from elitist, leftist cultures,” he suggested.
Fox News Is Exhausting
Fox News has become as drama-fatiguing as CNN of late, driving those in the flyover states to seek information from online outlets, podcasts, and less corporate media sources. This week, the cable news company fired its entire investigative reporting department.
One employee told Rolling Stone that the “big wigs” are keeping their jobs. “The rank-and-file journalists are getting let go meanwhile upper management are sitting pretty while they are the execs responsible for the Dominion debacle,” the source explained. “We are the sacrificial lambs.”
“Yes, because what news agency needs investigative reporters? Now they can just become like the rest of the mainstream media and make it up as they go along,” said Mike Lewis of Benton, AR.
Stumbling, Bumbling Joe Biden
He shakes hands with invisible friends, turns his back to the podium while speaking, and wanders off during tightly scripted events. Just recently, with G7 leaders gathered on Itsukushima Island, near Hiroshima, Japan, President Joe Biden stumbled down the stairs near the Shinto Shrine, exclaiming “oops” as he shuffled along. Facebook user KePhin SpinZir offered some advice for not looking like a feeble old man: “Use the freakin’ handrails…Geezus, Grandpa Joe!”
Yet Biden declares he is fit to run for president and take on the responsibility of pulling the US out of the death spiral he, his administration, and progressive elected officials across the nation have created. “This is not a time to be complacent,” the president says. Heartlanders agree, though Biden probably wouldn’t appreciate their solutions.
“We can’t afford to keep Biden on,” noted Randall Stine in Warren County, IN, “I’d rather Trump, RFK, or anyone at this point.”
All opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Liberty Nation.
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