The Irish have long been the butt of jokes that portray them as, well, not too bright. This is largely an undeserved reputation, but perhaps Joe Biden’s Irish descent has something to do with it. An Englishman, a Scotsman, and Joe Biden walk into a bar … It works just as well. On April 11, Biden flies to the old country to begin a four-day tour. It’s the perfect location: a place where he is effectively guaranteed to be safe from controversy – until he makes a couple of speeches, of course, because there is no telling what words or word-like noises will come out of his mouth. Also, who would be willing to wager that he will not attempt to affect an Irish accent at some point or perhaps even for the entire trip? That will be just great – or “deadly,” as they say in parts of Ireland.
Biden in Ireland
The first stop on the jaunt will be Belfast in Northern Ireland. The main event will be the celebration of 25 years since the signing of the Good Friday Agreement that ended the violent sectarian war, known locally as The Troubles, between Nationalist and Loyalist paramilitary groups.
The US commander-in-chief will spend the first two days in “the Six Counties” before traveling to Dublin, the capital of the Republic of Ireland. White House sources invented by Liberty Nation say Biden is excited to be arriving just in time to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.
On April 13, he will address a joint session of the Dáil and Seanad at Leinster House – comparable to America’s US House and Senate. The Dáil is the 160-member body that collectively represents 39 Irish constituencies across the 26 counties of the Republic. The Seanad has 60 senators who are appointed by the Taoiseach – the Irish prime minister – or elected by special vocational or university panels.
Biden also will have a few opportunities to visit certain regions of Ireland from which his family is said to be descended. No doubt, he’ll have more than one chance to make up a story or two about his ancestors. In fact, given the chief executive’s penchant for fabricating tales about his past, it’s not entirely out of the question that he might even reflect on roaming the hills of the Emerald Isle as a young lad. At this point, anything is possible once he starts speaking and goes into “Uncle Joe” mode, as he often does.
What will the trip do for America? Apart from just the relief of having Biden out of the country for a few days, nothing at all. This is one of those overseas trips – and most presidents have taken at least one – that really has no significant economic, political, diplomatic, or national security value.
Still, perhaps he can take Hunter Biden along with him to score some lucrative investment deals with Irish banks. At least then it will not be an entirely fruitless journey.
All opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Liberty Nation.
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