Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest-running and most popular weekly column. Capturing the truth each week from heartlanders in flyover states, LN gives voice to the hard-working Americans otherwise ignored by the coastal elites.
Heartlanders took a much-needed break from NCAA March Madness to discuss the latest development on the crusade against former President Donald Trump. As one might imagine, even the most lukewarm MAGA Republican had words of wisdom to impart. The more steadfast followers had bitter words of retribution, and there was generally a whole slew of armchair politicking within the electorate. It was a tough couple of days in flyover states.
The activist media has gloated over the possibility of a former president being arrested, finger-printed, and taken into custody over a $130,000 payout to Stormy Daniels as hush money. Yes, not treason, harming the American public or, for that matter, killing the most robust economy in decades. Instead, hush money paid to a former porn star over an alleged relationship Trump had years before he became president is the terrible crime.
If Trump is arrested on Tuesday and perp walked, it will be the first time a former US president has faced criminal charges. However, Trump has said he will continue campaigning even if charged with a crime.
The Continued Pursuit of Trump
Some say the fear of another Trump win at the ballot box has Never-Trumpers and all components of the so-called Deep State desperate to try any measure. As Reno’s Brenda Lee Gibson stated, “The political left is so threatened by Trump’s popularity with the American people that they have been on an endless campaign to destroy him.”
Others believe it is simply a distraction from Hunter Biden’s business dealings being investigated by the Republican-controlled House. Another bubbling problem the Biden administration is attempting to spin is the 41,000 hours of J6 footage undermining the “attack on democracy” message weaponized by the left for the 2022 midterm elections. Adding in a central banking system collapse, and it’s no wonder some people feel this is just perfect timing for the latest portrayal of Trump as the Big Bad Wolf to herd the sheep back to the barn.
What interests flyover folks are the reactions of those they deem the milquetoast or meek Republicans. They rally for the man they may not care for or want as their leader. One of Trump’s declared 2024 primary opponents, Vivek Ramaswamy, warned: “It is un-American for the ruling party to use police power to arrest its political rivals. If a Republican prosecutor in 2004 had used a campaign finance technicality to arrest then-candidate John Kerry while Bush & Cheney were in power, liberals would have cried foul – and rightly so.”
Terry Craig in Dunkirk, OH, followed up: “Talk is cheap. If they stand idly by and let this happen, they don’t deserve to represent Americans. Republicans either need to act or resign.” Pastor McTaggart in Saginaw, MI, offered: “We are definitely seeing a two-tier justice system being unveiled similar to a ‘banana republic.’ This trend must be addressed, or our republic will be no more.”
The outspoken Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) was agreed with more often on social media after she tweeted: “This is what they do in communist countries. Trump will win in the biggest landslide victory if they arrest him. People are furious!”
But down on the southern Louisiana Bayou, Kathleen Kidder Merryman gave not only sage advice but a potential scenario brewing: “There is so much evidence of wrongdoing everywhere! The constitution is in shreds. Time for some heads to roll! But which law enforcement agency will step in when all is corrupted? Military (white hats) is the only way.”
*All from social media sites and commenters
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