A great, big, beautiful barrier has gone up in record time – not at the US-Mexico border but around the US Supreme Court, following the leak of a draft opinion that, if sustained, would overturn Roe v. Wade. Some folks wonder if the current administration is putting more effort into keeping Americans removed from the “government of the people, by the people, for the people” than protecting the homeland.
The touted “unscalable” eight-foot-high fence is designed to keep pro-life and pro-abortion protesters at a safe distance from the Supremes as the Court tries to sort out the party responsible for the document’s premature release. But the porous southern border allowing the influx of illegal immigrants, drug mules, and human traffickers has gotten little to no attention from the president and his immigration czar.
Will the people who were elected by the people ever do what is asked of them?
Infamously Making the History Books
Unfettered crossings from Mexico into the United States are reaching a record-breaking quantity. As of April, the president has released 836,000 illegal migrants into the states: a number larger than the populations of Seattle or Denver. Since Biden took office in 2021, over 2.1 million illegal immigrants have crossed into the US without so much as a please or thank you.
Border Patrol says it has encountered 1.06 million for just the first half of FY 2022. Mr. Biden’s policies have also been in play as late-night air flights shuttle unaccompanied minors and random singles to locations throughout the country to be absorbed into different communities. By the end of May 2022, Title 42 will go by the wayside, much like energy independence or any other Trump-era success. That will effectively hobble the US’ ability to automatically turn back hopeful migrants due to the health crisis of COVID.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is required by law to detain all illegal migrants and aliens seeking admission. According to policy, authorities can only release illegal migrants “on a case-by-case basis for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.” It’s one unwieldy mess down south. While everyone is focused on a leaked memo on a hot button issue, no one is watching the masses flood into Texas, California, Arizona, and New Mexico.
But hey, what’s more important for the nation: securing the border or keeping a group of passionate Karens from verbally assaulting people in front of the US Supreme Court?
More Barriers Against the People
The hysteria from Democrats on the Hill after the Jan. 6 breach of the Capitol should not go without comment. Fences were erected around the DC bubble to give legislators a false sense of security and to show the people just who is in charge. It’s as if they just don’t get part of the government’s role in a free constitutional republic.
Limiting access is a power play. And it’s one heckuva diversion for the party in power that hopes to use the drama unfolding in the Swamp to draw attention away from crimes committed at the border.