Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest-running and most popular weekly column. Capturing the truth each week from heartlanders in flyover states, LN gives voice to the hard-working Americans otherwise ignored by the coastal elites.
The unflattering word “hypocrite” was used generously in flyover states as more news came to light of classified documents being found in unsecured spaces. Conservatives said farewell to a precious voice and scoffed at the left’s war on gas stoves and furnaces. Although it was another typical week of madness that seems to be the new normal since January 2021, flyover folks took a break from the fight to amuse themselves at the expense of Democrats.
Oh, the Places You Will Be Found
If only Dr. Seuss were alive and penning prose about politics in the year 2023. Would he find a dozen different ways to declare the Biden administration and the fawning media enormous hypocrites after news came out of all those classified documents in banker’s boxes stored in Joe Biden’s easily accessible garage? Wasn’t there an FBI raid on President Trump’s residence for the same infraction?
Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) was baffled as well:
“The White House does not have enough hazmat suits to clean up this mess. Aside from the obvious that the Justice Department is investigating President Trump for something that President Biden himself may have done, there are a lot of other intriguing questions for the inspector general.”
Heartlanders were less diplomatic in the assessment. None other than Hunter Biden had access to every paper in Daddy’s Delaware garage, for goodness’ sake. RoShal Smith-Saenz of Forth Worth reminded us not to worry, though: “But he is the smartest guy Joe knows.” But in Chippewa Falls, WI, the tone was darker from William Dulian, who suggests, “The old guy needs to go to jail.”
This Diamond is Forever
Once in a lifetime, a firecracker comes along to shake up the political scene and swim upstream against the current. President Donald Trump announced to friends and fans that Ineitha Lynette Hardaway, affectionately known as Diamond of “Diamond and Silk” fame, passed away. She was only 51 years of age. The duo offered a fresh perspective from black people who had had enough of the status quo and were looking for a leader, found in Donald Trump. Naturally, heartlanders were saddened by the news and offered condolences.
In Omaha, NE, Jonathan Goodman said, “I found this out last night. I’m still heartbroken. She was beautiful in every way.” And Pastor Sheila Jenkins in Mississippi commented, “Heartbroken, will be praying for her family. They were a voice for all of us conservatives.”
Diamond was a trailblazer for the new GOP, and her voice will be missed.
No Gas Stove for You!

Kathy Hochul (Photo by Stephanie Keith/Getty Images)
In what some flyover folks call a dive into insanity, the state of New York has declared gas stoves and heat are very, very bad. Great chefs everywhere shuddered when the news hit the airwaves. It began with a State of the State Speech by Governor Kathy Hochul vowing to stop any new buildings with natural gas. The incendiary vow exploded when Consumer Product Safety Commissioner Richard Trumka, Jr. warned, “Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.” Good luck to anyone attempting to take gas heat and stoves away from a Midwesterner.
Susie Osten in Chelsea, OK, wrote, “I remember an ice storm, years ago, here in Oklahoma. I was without electricity for two weeks, and I am thankful I had gas.” It’s always helpful to stay warm and feed the family when natural gas is safe and the cleanest burning fossil fuel. Steve Glynn in Highland, MI, wondered: “How many of these environmental whack jobs will go along with it? Look out! Grilling season is a few months away. But I suppose this should keep [Merrick] Garland busy going after domestic terrorists who cook hamburgers and hotdogs on propane grills.”
As one can imagine, no one in flyover country is ever going to give in to the liberal left.
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