Finally, the world of sports, or at least boxing, has recognized the dangers of having transgender competition and has vowed to start a new league specifically for that category. It only took biological women losing out in their own athletics and some very serious injuries for officials to step up and re-evaluate the situation. Will other organizations follow the change, and will this have any effect on how progressives view gender identity and inclusion?
New Transgender Boxing League to Start This Year
The World Boxing Council (WBC) has become woke, but in what some would describe as a positive way. Mauricio Sulaiman, the president of the WBC, told The Telegraph:
“In boxing, a man fighting a woman must never be accepted regardless of gender change. There should be no grey area around this, and we want to go into it with transparency and the correct decisions. Woman to man or man to woman transgender change will never be allowed to fight a different gender by birth.”
Many believe it should have never been allowed in the first place. Recent history has shown the vast differences between the biological sexes, giving an unfair advantage to transgender females who were born males and compete in women’s sports. Professor Ross Tucker, a sports scientist and member of World Rugby’s committee on transgender rules, said a question must be asked: Why do women’s sports exist? The answer is simple: Women wanted to participate in competitions but can’t physically against males.
Take an example from 1999 in Seattle, where Margaret McGregor fought trans athlete Loi Chow. McGregor didn’t get a single punch in the boxing ring. Reporting on the event, Gareth A Davies said it was “a lightweight bout carrying disturbing heavyweight undertones,” while The Telegraph Sport headline said the match was “In the Worst Possible Taste.”
And, of course, there’s MMA fighter Fallon Fox. To some, Fox is regarded as a hero championing transgender rights. But the obvious disparity in strength for this sport was painfully obvious after she broke one woman’s skull and several orbital bones of another female fighter. Fox didn’t transition until she was 31 years old, allowing years of building testosterone to strengthen her body – giving her an obvious advantage.
Tucker admitted, “[W]e recognise male physiology has biological differences that create performance advantages and women’s sports exist to ensure that male advantages are excluded.” He explained:
“Has this body, this physiology, been exposed to and benefited in the sports context, from male hormones — yes or no? I’ve been exposed to testosterone my whole life. My twin sister has not. There are many differences between us, but in terms of sports, the main biological difference is not that my testosterone is higher today; it’s that my testosterone has been higher my whole life. It’s the work done by that hormone over many years that makes a difference.
“If your answer is yes, then that body belongs in male sports. With gender identity, we want to accommodate as far as possible, but we can’t take away that difference. That’s where we create this collision of rights between trans women and women.”
Liberty Nation Editor-at-Large James Fite wrote an excellent piece, explaining “The Science Behind Being Male.” Testosterone drives muscle growth, and about 95% of it is produced in the male testes. “More testosterone means larger denser bones and more muscle mass, he concluded. “Is it any wonder, then, that women have a harder time with combat readiness, the most elite female athletes can’t compete with teenage boys, or that natural girls and women are losing handily to trans athletes?”

Lia Thomas (Photo by Hunter Martin/Getty Images)
Another case in point is Lia Thomas, the first transgender NCAA champ. Thomas was younger than Fox when she decided to make the change, but she had already gone through puberty as a male and had already developed the strength and stamina of a biological man, once again giving her an unfair advantage in women’s sports.
Will This Change Progressive Standards on Fairness and Inclusion?
Progressives claim that all they want is a fair world where all people are represented and included. They have taken it so far that, according to MedicineNet’s website, there were 72 genders as of February 2022. Despite the “trust the science” rhetoric spouted during the COVID pandemic, these same people refuse to “trust the science” when it comes to gender identity and the unequal qualities of the two biological genders, especially in sports and combat. Now that WBC has announced a new league just for transgenders, so biological men can only fight others born as males, will the left’s views on inclusion adapt? At this early point in the game, it is doubtful they will change the playbook. However, if this catches on and other sporting organizations decide to protect women in their athletic competitions, they may not have a choice but to see it for what it is.
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