Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest-running and most popular weekly column. Capturing the truth each week from heartlanders in flyover states, LN gives voice to the hard-working Americans otherwise ignored by the coastal elites.
Breathing a sigh of relief after surviving a weather issue, lack of extra Christmas cash, and ridiculous gas prices, Heartlanders now brace for the unknown year, 2023. Will it bring good tidings or more of the same Biden business that has become tiresome for folks who live in the real world? Liberty Nation searched for resolutions to give a thumbnail sketch of what to expect as we begin preparations for another sure-to-be raucous presidential election cycle.
But before the chaos, there was the business of the New Year afoot: new leaders, old RINOs, and off-kilter Democrats were about to pounce.
Beating the Biden Bunch
Day one of 2023 is too early to predict the wild and woolly political season that will need a good shearing in November 2024. But people are already vowing to beat the current president of the US before he can inflict any more emotional and financial damage. The still non-stop attacks on former President Trump from Biden and his party continued with the releasing of those pesky tax returns.
Number 45 made a dire prediction: “The Democrats should have never done it, the Supreme Court should have never approved it, and it’s going to lead to horrible things for so many people. The great USA divide will now grow far worse.”
If flyover folks have anything to say about it, some buried political secrets are sure to be discovered: In Raleigh, NC, Eddie Rivera was ready for transparency: “Now let’s see ALL ‘elected’ representatives taxes…ALL.” And in Eaton, OH, Jeff Gibson requested: “Let’s get Biden tax returns. I would like to know how he and his son became billionaires overnight. Anyone question that or most of the people in Washington? [sic]”
As Resolutions Go
During a recent appearance with Jesse Watters on Fox News, House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) made the first of many New Year’s resolutions: “Then, on the very first day, the first thing we’re going to do is repeal the 87,000 IRS agents.” Well, that, of course, depends on whether anyone on the Republican side of the House aisle even likes McCarthy. As Liberty Nation’s senior political analyst Tim Donner bluntly describes the position of speaker that McCarthy so desires: “It requires – in fact, is all about – building consensus among more than 200, um, healthy egos and accompanying agendas, and that’s before you even consider the rabid opposition.”
Heartlanders are skeptical: It was hard to find anyone willing to give the man the benefit of the doubt. Nebraskan Jim Schultze demonstrated a bit of frustration with the whole mess, saying, “I’ll believe it when I see it. This is purely a performance to get the gavel.” Neil Gesuero in Wyoming was not quite as polite with his paraphrasing: “Fixed quote: ‘The very first day, the first thing we’re going to do is replace all of my bluster with capitulation to the Left in order to preserve the status of establishment RINOs.” Still searching for that silent majority person to say something nice, we instead found Doug Beckley in Cleveland, who slapped the entire party up one side: “Looking forward to the day when any REPUBLICAN can show me they’re not all talk.”
Finally, in a relatively slow news week, we end with the Flyover Folks compilation of New Year’s Resolutions to consider adding to your list:
Horsey people found this one amusing: “Someone better be lunging 2023 before we try and ride her.” Margo Gresham, in Tennessee, posted: “no resolutions from me: I intend on staying the sarcastic, sweary, awkward delight you’ve come to know and love.” Jim Callaghan stated, “Drink more beer until the view in DC changes.”
And finally, to all of our Liberty Nation family, friends, and faithful readers and watchers: May 2023 bring love to your heart, health to your body, and peace and joy in your home. And then let the investigative fun begin.
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