In view of what has become of the establishment media over the past decade, observing that most of their editors, journalists and pundits exhibit undeniable political bias in favor of the left is about as profound and original as pointing out that the sun rises in the east. And to be fair, media hype has been around for as long as newspapers have been printed. But, since Donald Trump won the GOP presidential nomination in 2016, the hysteria gradually increased. It has continued unabated since Mr. Trump left office but, over the past few weeks, it does appear to have evolved from mere fake news, punctuated by frequent emotional outbursts, to all-out absurdity on a level comparable with the very worst low-budget sci-fi B-movies. Could it be that the leftist media institution sees the run-up to the 2022 midterm elections as its last hurrah?
Though Trump himself was the target of most of the media’s ire – and fear – for the entirety of his presidential term, the scribblers, slack-jaws, and sycophants that inhabit the dreary, humorless world of what most people call “mainstream media,” have turned their rage upon the wider Republican Party and American conservatives in general.
Media Hype – Turn it Up and Rip the Knob Off
Someone called Tiffany Cross – which sounds for all the world like it should be a stage name – is on fire over at MSNBC, regaling her tens of viewers with horror stories about what America’s future holds because, well, because Republicans exist. On the most recent edition of her show, the unimaginatively titled The Cross Connection – yes, that’s really what they came up with – contributor Fernand Amandi (another stage name candidate?) screeched about “MAGA fascists,” somehow connecting them to the Supreme Court’s striking down of Roe v. Wade. In fact, the Media Research Center’s NewsBusters website pointed out that Republicans were described as “fascists” no less than six times in the space of 15 minutes.
It’s all very puzzling unless one realizes that nobody on the political left understands what fascism is. That, in itself, is curious since fascism is a collectivist – and therefore a left-wing – ideology. By stripping the federal government of its unconstitutional authority to legalize abortion, the Supreme Court did exactly the opposite of what a fascist regime would have done. In fact, American conservatism is entirely antithetical to fascist ideology, which calls for central government control of everything – private industry in particular.
There is so much more to the left-wing media hype against everyone who disagrees with them, however. Guest-hosting Joy Reid’s The ReidOut on the same network – are you detecting a pattern of corny show names, yet? – Cross suggested that it was time to “have serious conversations around preparing for actual violence,” adding, “People keep saying a civil war is coming. I would say a civil war is here.”
Clearly, civil war is not here. The closest one could get to civil war at this time would be taking an evening stroll around any Democrat-run city. But Cross’s agenda is painfully obvious; terrifying Democrat voters into getting their ballots mailed in for the midterm elections and, in doing so, bringing an end to the civil war, presumably.
Then there was this jewel from Time magazine: The GOP Just Borrowed a Soviet Skill and Disappeared Liz Cheney. So much for respecting the voters’ wishes. An anti-Trumper loses her primary and those who voted against her are, in so many words, accused of murder. Stalin, whose political ideology, it must be said, is much more aligned with the modern American left than with the right, disappeared many millions of his own countrymen, as well as untold numbers of innocent people from neighboring countries. Cheney is alive and well, while Stalin slaughtered his opponents and even people to whom he took a passing dislike. If Time had even a shred of integrity, the author of this ridiculous comparison would already be looking for another job.
There are plenty more examples of this particularly vicious brand of media hype – that could perhaps be better described as psychosis – but at some point, it becomes simply tiresome to keep repeating. There really is no turning back for the left-wing media now, though. Whether Joe Biden runs for a second term or not, the prospects of a Democrat occupying the White House in 2025 are not good. Time is of the essence, then. Pushing, cajoling, misleading, or terrifying Democrat voters into giving their party two more years to enshrine its agenda into the core of American life may be the last, best hope, then, for the establishment media. It seems they have, in fact, realized this. But while CNN jettisons its most hyper-partisan fearmongers, like Brian Stelter, much of the rest of the leftist news and politics reporting world appears to have decided that doubling down on crazy is the only option. Such is the level of distaste and distrust they are stirring within the American people that their demise as viable businesses is now only a matter of time. And, after all, what is the one thing more important to them than politics? Money.