Liz Cheney (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
It was all about the babes, this week, for flyover folks. First, representative Marjorie Taylor Green (R-GA) made more than the usual amount of noise and freaked out the LGBTQ+ community of one percent. And then Rep. Liz Cheney (R?-WY) went down for the count and then sort of, kind of, hinted at a run for the White House. But the week was capped by MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross, who declared we are in the midst of a civil war. And yes, these gals prompted a lot of chatter.
This Is War, Man, War!
Cross went a tad insane while subbing in as host for the network’s show, The ReidOut. She snarled, calling out her cable news colleagues, “You have millions of people turning into a propaganda network every night.” For those who might be confused, that would be Fox News. But as the insecure folks do, when ratings are in the toilet, she went further: “As if that were not bad enough, that’s an extremist network itself, you have these fringe pop-up outlets from OANN to Newsmax.”
Well, the hysterics went on a bit more before she delivered the line that has heartlanders stocking up on supplies: “The train has left the station. There is no dealing with the rhetoric. At this point, we need serious conversations around preparing for actual violence. People keep saying a civil war is coming. I would say the civil war is here.” At this point, social media exploded with incredulous conservatives and libertarians. One man in the Buckeye State, Rich Yarger, kept to the news’s hypocritical aspect, stating, “Interesting. If you or I said this, we would have law enforcement visiting us in the middle of the night looking for classified documents.”
Alfred DeRoche, in Arkansas, asked for clarity: “How can they win if they don’t believe in guns?” Well, Emma Vaughn, Republican National Committee spokeswoman, clarified the position of most patriots:
“Dangerous rhetoric from the left led to an assassination attempt on a U.S. Supreme Court Justice, a shooting at a Congressional baseball practice, Molotov cocktails at pregnancy centers, rampant crime in major cities, and an open border. Call out the left on their threatening hyperbole, then we will talk.”
And a Texan never disappoints. Trent Moore of Longview asked, “Where does MSDNC find these goofballs?” But we can all relate to this Lecanto, FL, man, Ken Shaw: “Will Liz Cheney be involved since she thinks she’s Lincoln?”
Cheney And Her Spartacus Moment
As predicted, possible Republican but definite anti-Trumper Rep. Liz Cheney bombed in her bid for re-election in the great state of Wyoming earlier this week. To capture the importance of this moment, Tim Donner, Liberty Nation’s Senior Political Analyst, crafted this description, capturing the moment:
“Only in the bubble-wrapped environs of the Washington Swamp could the most unpopular Republican in the country suffer a blowout defeat — and then compare herself to Abraham Lincoln. ‘Lincoln was defeated in elections for the Senate and the House before he won the most important election of all,’ said Cheney.”
Delusional much? Most people in the flyover states say, “um, duh.” And, of course, in her concession speech, she focused on what her only goal soon would entail: “I have said since January 6 that I will do whatever it takes to make sure Donald Trump is never again anywhere near the Oval Office.” Most heartlanders doubt Ms. Cheney will be there instead.
But to salve her wounds of defeat, the president took time out of his hectic schedule to call and console Liz. And although details of the communication were not made public, folks just made up their own versions to share on Facebook. Kevin Rich in Elmont, AL, surmised, “He never got through. He was talking into a banana.” Also invoking foodstuffs, Craig Brittain in Arizona added his notion of the conversation transcript: “Hello, I’d like to order a Large Ice Cream bowl with extra sprinkles and a side of cake. What? What do you mean this isn’t Baskin Robbins?”

Marjorie Taylor Greene (Kent Nishimura / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)
And Then There’s This
The controversial Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) introduced a bill to make gender-affirming medical care for minors illegal. She calls it the “Protect Children’s Innocence Act,” and it would outlaw several medical interventions and procedures used to treat gender dysphoria. For those who don’t have friends or colleagues or follow LGBTQ activism, it would ban puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and some gender reorientation surgeries.
After the red state conservatives looked up a few transgender terms and picked their collective chins off the floor, most admired Greene for being unafraid to speak her mind and not pander to the woke folk. As Evelyn Carber in Louisiana said: “This woman has a backbone.”
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